This arduino library is based on libyaml.
#include <ArduinoYaml.h>
#include <YAMLDuino.h>
YAML is a superset of JSON, so native conversion from/to JSON is possible without any additional JSON library.
// Available values for output format:
// OUTPUT_YAML (default)
// JSON/YAML document to YAML/JSON string
size_t serializeYml( yaml_document_t* src_doc, String &dest_string, OutputFormat_t format=OUTPUT_YAML );
// JSON/YAML object to YAML/JSON stream
size_t serializeYml( yaml_document_t* src_doc, Stream &dest_stream, OutputFormat_t format=OUTPUT_YAML );
// YAML stream to YAML document
int deserializeYml( YAMLNode& dest_obj, const char* src_yaml_str );
// YAML string to YAML document
int deserializeYml( YAMLNode& dest_obj, Stream &src_stream );
Convert YAML to JSON
String yaml_str = "hello: world\nboolean: true\nfloat: 1.2345";
YAMLNode yamlnode = YAMLNode::loadString( yaml_str );
serializeYml( yamlnode.getDocument(), Serial, OUTPUT_JSON_PRETTY ); // pretty JSON
// serializeYml( yamlnode.getDocument(), Serial, OUTPUT_JSON ); // ugly JSON
Convert JSON to YAML
String json_str = "{\"hello\": \"world\", \"boolean\": true, \"float\":1.2345}";
YAMLNode yamlnode = YAMLNode::loadString( yaml_str );
serializeYml( yamlnode.getDocument(), Serial, OUTPUT_YAML );
ArduinoJson and cJSON bindings operate differently depending on the platform.
ArduinoJson support | cJSON support | |
ESP32 | detected (*) | implicit (built-in esp-idf) |
ESP8266 | implicit | implicit (bundled) |
RP2040 | implicit | implicit (bundled) |
SAMD | implicit | implicit (bundled) |
(*) On ESP32 platform, the detection depends on __has_include(<ArduinoJson.h>)
So all ArduinoJson functions will be disabled unless #include <ArduinoJson.h>
is found before #include <ArduinoYaml.h>
On ESP8266/RP2040/SAMD platforms it is assumed that ArduinoJson is already available as a dependency.
In order to save flash space and/or memory, the default bindings can be disabled independently by setting one or all of the following macros before including ArduinoYaml:
#define YAML_DISABLE_ARDUINOJSON // disable all ArduinoJson functions
#define YAML_DISABLE_CJSON // disable all cJSON functions
Note to self: this should probably be the other way around e.g. explicitely enabled by user.
Note to readers: should ArduinoJson and/or cJSON be implicitely loaded? Feedback is welcome!
See the motivational post for this implementation.
ArduinoJson support is implicitely enabled on most platforms except for ESP32 where dependencies can be detected.
*ESP32 plaforms must include ArduinoJson.h before ArduinoYaml.h or bindings will be disabled!**
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <ArduinoYaml.h>
Enabling support will expose the following functions:
// ArduinoJSON object to YAML string
size_t serializeYml( JsonVariant src_obj, String &dest_string );
// ArduinoJSON object to YAML stream
size_t serializeYml( JsonVariant src_obj, Stream &dest_stream );
// Deserialize YAML string to ArduinoJSON object
DeserializationError deserializeYml( JsonObject &dest_obj, const char* src_yaml_str );
// Deserialize YAML stream to ArduinoJSON object
DeserializationError deserializeYml( JsonObject &dest_obj, Stream &src_stream );
// Deserialize YAML string to ArduinoJSON document
DeserializationError deserializeYml( JsonDocument &dest_doc, Stream &src_stream );
// Deserialize YAML string to ArduinoJSON document
DeserializationError deserializeYml( JsonDocument &dest_doc, const char *src_yaml_str) ;
cJSON support is implicitely enabled on most platforms, and will use the bundled cJSON version unless ESP32 platform is detected. ESP32 will use the built-in cJSON version from esp-idf instead of the YAMLDuino bundled version.
⚠️ Both versions of cJSON have a memory leak with floats, the leak happens only once though, and may be avoided by quoting the float, which won't affect yaml output.
Enabling support will expose the following functions:
// cJSON object to YAML string
size_t serializeYml( cJSON* src_obj, String &dest_string );
// cJSON object to YAML stream
size_t serializeYml( cJSON* src_obj, Stream &dest_stream );
// YAML string to cJSON object
int deserializeYml( cJSON* dest_obj, const char* src_yaml_str );
// YAML stream to cJSON object
int deserializeYml( cJSON* dest_obj, Stream &src_stream );
// YAML document to cJSON object
int deserializeYml( cJSON** dest_obj, yaml_document_t* src_document );
Although const char*
is an acceptable source type for conversion, using Stream
is recommended as it is more memory efficient.
The StringStream
class is provided with this library as a helper.
String my_json = "{\"blah\":true}";
StringStream json_input_stream(my_json);
String my_output;
StringStream output_stream(my_output);
The StringStream
bundled class is based on Arduino String
and can easily be replaced by any class inheriting from Stream
class StringStream : public Stream
StringStream(String &s) : str(s), pos(0) {}
virtual ~StringStream() {};
virtual int available() { return str.length() - pos; }
virtual int read() { return pos<str.length() ? str[pos++] : -1; }
virtual int peek() { return pos<str.length() ? str[pos] : -1; }
virtual size_t write(uint8_t c) { str += (char)c; return 1; }
virtual void flush() {}
String &str;
unsigned int pos;
See ArduinoStreamUtils for other types of streams (i.e. buffered).
JSON and YAML indentation levels can be customized:
void YAML::setYAMLIndent( int spaces_per_indent=2 ); // min=2, max=16
void YAML::setJSONIndent( const char* spaces_or_tabs="\t", int folding_depth=4 );
Set custom JSON indentation and folding depth:
// this set two spaces per indentation level, unfolds up to 8 nesting levels
YAML::setJSONIndent(" ", 8 ); // lame fact: folds on objects, not on arrays
Set custom YAML indentation (minimum=2, max=16):
// annoy your friends with 3 spaces indentation, totally valid in YAML
YAML::setYAMLIndent( 3 );
The gettext module is a member of YAMLNode object.
class YAMLNode
// (...)
const char* gettext( const char* path, char delimiter=':' );
// YAMLNode objects also bring few interesting methods to scope:
const char* scalar();
size_t size();
bool isScalar();
bool isSequence();
bool isMap();
bool isNull();
// (...)
Load from string:
YAMLNode yamlnode = YAMLNode::loadString( yaml_or_json_string );
Load from stream:
YAMLNode yamlnode = YAMLNode::loadStream( yaml_or_json_stream );
Access a value:
const char* text = yamlnode.gettext( "path:to:property:name" );
YAMLNode supports chaining:
// load yaml and extract value from 'stuff'
YAMLNode::loadString("blah:\n stuff:\n true\n").gettext("blah:stuff");
// load json and extract value from 'stuff'
Note: i18n Support is disabled with WIO Terminal (platform needs a proper fs::FS
filesystem implementation).
WIO Terminal can still use the native YAMLNode::gettext()
filesystem firsti18n_t i18n( &LittleFS );
locale with i18n.setLocale("en-GB")
to access localized strings.YAML Sample /lang/en-GB.yml
stored in LittleFS:
hello: world
- first
- second
- third
Load the language file and access translations:
#include <LittleFS.h> // Mandatory filestem (can be SPIFFS, SD, SD_MMC, LittleFS)
#include <YAMLDuino.h> // Load the library
i18n_t i18n( &LittleFS ); // Create an i18n instance attached to filesystem
void setup()
// i18n.setFS( &SD ); // change filesystem to SD
i18n.setLocale("en-GB"); // This will look for "en-GB.yml" language file in "/lang/" folder and set "en-GB" as locale
// i18n.setLocale("/lang/en-GB.yml"); // This will load "/lang/en-GB.yml" language file and set "en-GB" as locale
// i18n.setLocale("en-GB", "/non-locale/file.yml"); // This will set "en-GB" as locale and load arbitrary "/non-locale/file.yml" language file
Serial.println( i18n.gettext("hello" ) ); // prints "world"
Serial.println( i18n.gettext("blah:my_array:2" ) ); // prints "third"
void loop()
The debug level can be changed at runtime:
void YAML::setLogLevel( LogLevel_t level );
Set library debug level:
// Accepted values:
// LogLevelNone : No logging
// LogLevelError : Errors
// LogLevelWarning : Errors+Warnings
// LogLevelInfo : Errors+Warnings+Info
// LogLevelDebug : Errors+Warnings+Info+Debug
// LogLevelVerbose : Errors+Warnings+Info+Debug+Verbose
YAML::setLogLevel( YAML::LogLevelDebug );
There are a few things you can do to support the project:
These things motivate me to to keep sharing what I build, and they provide validation that my work is appreciated! They also help me improve the project. Thanks in advance!