tobozo / YOURLS-GeoShortURL

🔗 YOURLS plugin to add per-country support to existing short URLs
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link
bitly php shorten-urls shorturl url-shortener url-shortner yourls


This YOURLS plugin enables the possibility to have different redirection URLs depending on the country of the visitor, by using YOURLS GeoIP plugin or by using the web server's built-in GeoIP module.

It is strongly recommended to use this plugin along with 302-instead plugin to avoid the 301 caching hell :)


For any given short URL you need to 'Geoize' (e.g: http : //my-yourls-installation/blah):

How to install this plugin

  1. Create a new directory under the "user/plugins" directory
  2. Save the "plugin.php" file into the directory you created in step 1
  3. Activate the plugin using your YOURLS admin panel

Activate conditional redirection for a set of locales

Given the following long URLs:

  1. Create links in the admin panel, you need to add short URLs like

    • https://my-yourls-installation/a for https://blah.something/product/product-a
    • https://my-yourls-installation/a-ru for https://blah.something/ru/product/product-a
    • https://my-yourls-installation/a-fr for https://blah.something/fr/product/product-a
  2. Share After that, you just need to share https://my-yourls-installation/a with others, It will automatically detect and match my-yourls-installation/a-[geocode] to redirect to the corresponding locale page or just go to the default (English) page.