tobozo / esp32-DCF77_Analyzer_Clock

⏰ An ESP32 TFT interpretation of the @deruiter's DCF77-Analyzer-Clock-V2.0
MIT License
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arduino atomic-clock dcf77 esp32 esp32-chimera-core weather


An ESP32 TFT interpretation of the @deruiter's DCF77-Analyzer-Clock-V2.0


Hardware Requirements:

Software Requirements:

Running on an ODROID-GO:

(Contributed by dl9sec)

Thanks to the ESP32-Chimera-Core, the clock runs fine and flawless on an ODROID-GO (with sound output and buttons support for A/B/MENU).

ODROID-GO esp32-DCF77 Analyzer Clock

The hardware components has to be connected to the ODROID-GO's 10-pin connector:


I learned a lot from Erik de Ruiter who learned a lot from the work of Matthias Dalheimer and Thijs Elenbaas who made their own DCF77 decoders.

Although the changes I made are far from optimistic, this code has wisdom DNA in its roots!

Without the incredible work of these geniuses I would not have known where to start and how to write those credits :)

Huge thanks to @BrettOliver for fueling the code with a 320x240 UI, implementing the leap second, and much more


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