toddaustin07 / LGTV

SmartThings Edge Driver for LG TVs
Apache License 2.0
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LG TV Driver

SmartThings Edge Driver for LG TVs. Includes these features:


The LG TV does not send notifications out when something has changed via the TV remote (app, channel, volume, etc.). Therefore this driver must poll the TV for updates. The polling frequency is configurable.

I have no idea how many LG TV models will work with this driver, but devices with firmware major version 4, product name "webOSTV 2.0" should be OK.

This driver relies on a set of undocumented commands to control the TV and retrieve state updates. This API was meant to be used internally by LG and therefore could stop working at their whim.



Enroll your hub via this channel link and select LG TV V1.1 to install to your hub.

Turn on your LG TVs (this is needed for initial registration; see below)

Once the driver is available on your hub, use the SmartThings app to do an Add device / Scan for nearby devices. Any LG TVs found on your local network will be discovered and added as SmartThings devices in the room your hub device is located.

When the new TV device(s) is/are created, a one-time registration handshake must be completed with the discovered TVs. You should see a message pop up on your TV(s) that you'll need to respond to. Once this is completed, your SmartThings device should successfully initialize.


There are 4 options that can be tailored in device Settings:

Controls screen



Credit goes to Karl Lattimer for providing the undocumented commands that made this driver possible: Github link