toehio / s3album

A pure client-side photo album (gallery) publisher for S3.
Apache License 2.0
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S3 Album Publisher

A pure client-side photo album publisher for S3.

Try it out here with your own S3 bucket, or view a demo of a published album.


The albums you publish are private: they can only be found if you know the album's URL.

Being a pure web-app means:

Getting Started

  1. Upload view.html, publish.html and publish.js to a path in your S3 bucket, for example, public-albums/. This can be done with s3cmd:

    s3cmd put view.html publish.html publish.js s3://bucket/public-albums/
  2. In your browser, navigate to, enter your S3 credentials, and start publishing albums!

    For example,

    Since you're sending your AWS credentials, use HTTPS.

  3. CloudFront and FQDN doesn't work - you need to make use of the S3 API endpoint all the time.

How It Works


publish.html uses the Amazon JavaScript SDK to browse your bucket for photos you would like to publish in an album. When you create a new album, a directory in your published albums path is created. For example, the album with name 'My Holiday Pics' is created in public-albums/albums/My Holiday Pics/. When you add a photo to the album:

That's all there is to publishing. No databases. No calls to server-side scripts. No adding filenames to index files.


view.html is used to view published albums. The name of the album is specified in the hash of the URL, for example, The photos for the album are found by listing the contents of albums/My Holiday Pics/photos/ (relative to the location of view.html) and then dynamically added to the page.

S3 Bucket Policy

Anonymous access

If you want anyone on the web to view your published albums, your bucket policy should allow anonymous getObject and listBucket requests. If your bucket doesn't already allow anonymous requests, the mimimum you need to add is:

  "Sid": "AnonGetAlbumObjects",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": "*",
  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
  "Resource": [

S3 user

The S3 user (also called principal) that you use to publish the albums should have permission to:

If your user has all permisions on the whole bucket, then no changes to the bucket policy are necessary. However, if you want to restrict your user to the minimum permisions necessary, add the following statements:

  "Sid": "ReadMyPhotosDir",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/my_albums_user"
  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket/my/photo/collection/*"

Custom install

It is also possible to store the albums in your bucket, but keep the view.html on another website. To do this, you can edit the configuration in view.html to point to your S3 bucket. Also, you will need to ensure the CORS configuration for your bucket allows requests from different origins:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">


The following dependencies are included in the HTML files and hosted by CDNs (cdnjs and Goolge Hosted Libraries):

Optional: External Image Resizer

By default, image resizing is done in the browser. This means that the original image is downloaded from S3, resized and then uploaded to its final location. This may perform badly with large photos, slow internet connections and/or slow web browsers. Furthermore, the resizing in the browser isn't perfect and may introduce artifacts.

There is a hook in publish.js to plugin your own image resizer. You can, for example, send a XHR request to a PHP script that will download, resize and upload the photo/thumb to the bucket.

TODO / Contributing

(Here's where you come in)