tohinz / SVHN-Classifier

Simple classifier to classify SVHN images, based on Keras with the Tensorflow backend.
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Pretrained classifier (Convolutional Neural Network, CNN) to classify SVHN images, based on Keras with the Tensorflow backend.


To predict images:

To predict existing images with the pre-trained model (95.45% accuracy on the SVHN test set)

Labels for the pretrained model are according to the digit, i.e. digit "0" has label "0", digit "1" has label "1", etc. This is different from the original data, in which digit "0" has label "10". When using the pretrained model to predict data make sure images depicting a "0" are stored in the folder labelled with "0", not "10".

Images should be stored in the following layout:

To train a new classifier

Download the SVHN data set:

To train a new classifier on the SVHN data:

To view training statistics:

Check out command line arguments for further control over the hyperparameters used for training: