toitware / esptool.js

TypeScript port of the esptool
MIT License
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TypeScript port of the esptool.

The esptool is originally written in python, and we have here ported it to TypeScript.

This implementation is used in the Toit Console to allow users to flash and monitor ESP32:

Flash ESP32 with web serial

Blog post on why we started this project: Flash your ESP32 from the browser using Web Serial.


The code is written as a library, here is an examples showcasing how you can flash an ESP32 using the library:

export type Partition = {
  name: string;
  data: Uint8Array;
  offset: number;

// TODO: Here you have to specify the partitions you want to flash to the ESP32.
const partitions: Partition[] = [];

await{ baudRate: 115200 });
try {
  const loader = new EspLoader(port, { debug: true, logger: console });
  await loader.connect();
  try {
    options.logger.log("writing device partitions");
    const chipName = await loader.chipName();
    const macAddr = await loader.macAddr();
    await loader.loadStub();
    await loader.setBaudRate(options.baudRate, 921600);

    if (options.erase) {
      options.logger.log("erasing device flash...");
      await loader.eraseFlash();
      options.logger.log("successfully erased device flash");

    for (let i = 0; i < partitions.length; i++) {
      options.logger.log("\nWriting partition: " + partitions[i].name);
      await loader.flashData(partitions[i].data, partitions[i].offset, function (idx, cnt) {
        if (options.progressCallback) {
          options.progressCallback(partitions[i].name, idx, cnt);
      await sleep(100);
    options.logger.log("successfully written device partitions");
    options.logger.log("flashing succeeded");
  } finally {
    await loader.disconnect();
} finally {
  await port.close();


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