Language Server using MATLAB Engine
to specify your MATLAB installation path.
For example, if you have R2019a running on Linux with the default path, the following lines should be:
compileOnly files(
$ ./gradlew jar
$ export MATLABROOT=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a
$ java -Djava.library.path=$MATLABROOT/bin/glnxa64 -cp $MATLABROOT/extern/engines/java/jar/engine.jar:$MATLABROOT/java/jar/jmi.jar:/path/to/lsp-matlab-x.y.jar org.tokor.lspmatlab.Application
Do not forget to replace /path/to/lsp-matlab-x.y.jar
with your path of the jar file.
This project is experimental and not tested for every platform. Future updates on MATLAB might break the functionality because the code heavily depends on undocumented functions and APIs.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please open issues and hopefully contribute by coding.