tolmasky / demokit

DemoKit is a Library and Electron app for building product demos and tutorials using web technologies
MIT License
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DemoKit is a Library and Electron app for macOS to build product demos and tutorials using web technologies

Currently only macOS is supported, but you can help us change that!


    <scene width = { 1024 } height = { 768 } />

    <browser    id = "duckduckgo"
                title = "Duck Duck Go"
                contentURL = ""
                contentRect = { { origin: { x: "center", y: "center" }, size: { width: 900, height: 600 } } } />

    <recording.start filePath = "videos/video" />

    <using window = "duckduckgo">
        <click selector = "input[type=text]" />
        <type>How do I use <paste>JSX</paste>?</type>
        <click selector = "input[type=submit]" />

    <recording.stop />


This example shows someone how to do a simple search on Duck Duck Go. It sets up the scene's size, creates the browser window with the real duck duck go site loaded, and then proceeds to move the mouse and type in text. Once its completed, the video will be saved to "videos/video - CURRENT DATE". That way you can keep running it without overwriting pre-existing takes.

We've also open sourced the video we made for our homepage at, which is available here:


npm install demokit -g

Note: DemoKit only works on macOS


$ demokit new my-demo
$ demokit ./my-demo/index.js

The new command will create a template project for you. Simply edit the index.js, or add more files, and then run using the demokit command.


Visit the Wiki for our documentation.


This library would not have been possible without the awesome PhotonKit, CodeMirror, Smooth Scroll, Screen Recorder, and although it is no longer a dependency, RobotJS.
