tom-- / yii2-dynamic-ar

An extension to add NoSQL-like documents to Yii 2 Framework's Active Record ORM.
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Failed to save dynamic attributes from POST #16

Open outOFFspace opened 8 years ago

outOFFspace commented 8 years ago

If add to from dynamic field e.g:

$form->field($product, 'dynamic_attribute_name')
                ->dropDownList(explode(',', $attribute->variants), ['required' => $attribute->required])

those attributes will not saved.

tom-- commented 8 years ago

Have you verified that dynamic attributes in this model can be set and saved by other methods?

outOFFspace commented 8 years ago

I just created new model and detect that dynamic attributes saved to db, but when i try to access them - I always get null

tom-- commented 8 years ago

I'm not in a position to debug this from here. I would need to see all of the relevant code.

outOFFspace commented 8 years ago


class Product extends \spinitron\dynamicAr\DynamicActiveRecord {

   public static function dynamicColumn()
        return 'params';

view _attributes:

if($attributes) {
    foreach($attributes as $attribute) {
        if ($attribute->is_multiple) {
            echo $form->field($product,  $attribute->alias)->dropDownList(explode(',', $attribute->variants));
        } else {
            echo $form->field($product, $attribute->alias);


public function actionEdit($id = null)
        $model = null;
        $parent = null;
        if (null === $id) {
            $model = new Product();
            $model->currency_id = Currency::getMainCurrency()->id;
        } else {
            $model = Product::findOne($id);

        $attributes = ProductAttribute::find()->all();
        if (null === $model) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException();

        $post = \Yii::$app->request->post();
        if ($model->load($post)) {
            if ($model->validate()) {
                $saveResult = $model->save();
                if ($saveResult) {
                    $action = \Yii::$app->request->post('action', 'save');
                    $returnUrl = \Yii::$app->request->get('returnUrl', ['index']);
                    switch ($action) {
                        case 'next':
                            return $this->redirect(
                                    'returnUrl' => $returnUrl
                        case 'back':
                            return $this->redirect($returnUrl);
                            return $this->redirect(
                                    'id' => $model->id,
                                    'returnUrl' => $returnUrl,
                                    'parent_id' => $model->category_id
                } else {
                    \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', \Yii::t('app', 'Cannot save data'));
            } else {
                \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', \Yii::t('app', 'Cannot save data'));

        $items = ArrayHelper::map(

        return $this->render(
                'model' => $model,
                'attributes' => $attributes,
                'items' => $items,
                'selected' => (array) $model->category_id,
                'parent' => $parent,
dakipro commented 8 years ago

I also get null when I try to access attribute. I tried basic

$model = $this->findModel($id); $model->specs = 'test'; $model->save();

and I see [BLOB - 19 B] in database, then when I load model and dump it I get ..... private _attributes -> array (9) [ 'id' => integer 2 'dynamic_attribute' => string UTF-8 (19) "?????????specs!test" ]

however $model->getAttribute('specs') just returns null

I tried different combinations and, but no success. Using all the latest versions of yii2, php7 and mariadb Where could I start debugging and fixing? Any advice would be appreciated :)

dakipro commented 8 years ago

I think i have figured it out and it was supper obvious, i was not extending DynamicActiveQuery for my ModelQuery. Now it appears to be working with simple tests (I will test it further). Thanks for writing the extension by the way!