tomMoulard / htransformation

A Traefik plugin to change on the fly header's value of a request
MIT License
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hackathon traefik traefik-plugin

Header transformation plugin for traefik

This plugin allows changing on the fly, the header value of a request.

How to dev

$ docker compose up

How to use

To choose a Rule you have to fill the Type field with one of the following:

Each Rule can be named with the Name field.

Each Rule can also be configured to change headers on the request or the response by using the SetOnResponse configuration. If SetOnResponse is set to true, the header will be changed on the response. Otherwise, it will be changed on the request. Its default value is false.


A Rule Rename needs two arguments.

# Example Rename
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header rename'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Value: 'NewHeader'
      Type: 'Rename'
# Old header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate

# New header:
NewHeader: gzip, deflate
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header Renaming'
      Header: 'X-Traefik-*'
      Value: 'X-Traefik-merged'
      Type: 'Rename'
# Old header:
X-Traefik-uuid: 0
X-Traefik-date: mer. 21 oct. 2020 11:57:39 CEST
# New header:
X-Traefik-merged: 0 # A value from old headers


A Set rule will either create or replace the header and value (if it already exists)

A rule Set need 2 arguments

# Example 
- Rule:
      Name: 'Set Cache-Control'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Value: 'Foo'
      Type: 'Set'
# New header:
Cache-Control: Foo


A rule Delete need one arguments

# Example Del
- Rule:
      Name: 'Delete Cache-Control'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Type: 'Del'


A Join rule will concatenate the values of the existing header with the new one. If the header doesn't exist, it'll do nothing

It needs 3 arguments

# Example Join
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header join'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Sep: ','
        - 'Foo'
        - 'Bar'
      Type: 'Join'
# Old header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate

# Joined header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate,Foo,Bar

You can reuse other header values in Value or one of the Values by setting an additional argument HeaderPrefix. Example:

# Example Usage
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header set'
  Header: 'X-Forwarded-For'
  HeaderPrefix: "^"
  Sep: ','
      - 'Foo'
      - '^CF-Connecting-IP'
  Type: 'Join'
# Old header:
# New headers:

RewriteValue Rule

A RewriteValue Rule will replace the values of the headers identified by a matching regex with the provided value.

It needs 2 arguments

# Example RewriteValueRule
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header rewriteValue'
      Header: 'Foo'
      Value: 'X-(.*)'
      ValueReplace: 'Y-$1'
      Type: 'RewriteValueRule'
# Old header:
Foo: X-Test

# Modified header:
Foo: Y-Test


The rules will be evaluated in the order of definition

- Rule:
  Name: 'Header addition'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Value: 'True'
  Type: 'Set'
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header deletion'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Type: 'Del'
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header join'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Value: 'False'
  Type: 'Set'

Will set the header X-Custom-2 to 'True', then delete it and set it again but with False


Tom Moulard Clément David Martin Huvelle Alexandre Bossut-Lasry