tomachristian / css-entry-webpack-plugin

A Webpack plugin that simplifies creation of CSS-only bundles.
MIT License
39 stars 8 forks source link
bundle bundles css css-bundle css-entry-webpack-plugin sass scss webpack webpack-plugin

With the advent of native CSS modules support in Webpack ( and due to lack of time in maintaining this package, the project has been discontinued. If anyone wants to continue work on this, PRs are welcome.

CSS Entry Plugin

Build Status License

A Webpack plugin that simplifies creation of CSS-only bundles.


NPM Version Dependency Status

Install the plugin using npm:

$ npm install css-entry-webpack-plugin --save-dev


Basic Usage

The plugin will identify the entries that contain only CSS resources and will generate CSS bundles for them.


const CssEntryPlugin = require("css-entry-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    "styles": ["src/style1.css", "src/style2.css"],
    "main": "src/index.js"
  output: {
    path: "dist",
    filename: "[name].bundle.js"
  module: {
    rules: [
      // This is required
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: "css-loader"
  plugins: [
    new CssEntryPlugin({
      output: {
        filename: "[name].bundle.css"

will output two files

main.bundle.js and styles.bundle.css


new CssEntryPlugin(options: String | Object)


Type: String | Function | Object

Specifies the options for the CssEntryPlugin.

The shorthand version allows you to specify the output.filename directly as a String or a Function, this will be equivalent to passing an object with output.filename. See output.filename for details on the possible values.

new CssEntryPlugin(/* option: String | Function */)
// is equivalent to
new CssEntryPlugin({
  output: {
    filename: /* option */

When specified as an Object, the following options are available:


Type: Object

Specifies a set of options instructing the plugin on how and where to output your CSS bundles. It works in a similar fashion to Webpack's output option.

new CssEntryPlugin({
  output: { /* output options */ }

Type: String | Function
Default: [name].css

This option determines the name of each CSS output bundle. The bundle is written to the directory specified by the Webpack output.path option. It works in a similar fashion to Webpack's output.filename option and ExtractTextPlugin's filename option.

For a single entry point, this can be a static name.

filename: "bundle.css"

However, when creating multiple bundles via more than one entry point, you should use a template string with one of the following substitutions to give each bundle a unique name.

Using the entry name:

filename: "[name].bundle.css"

Using the internal chunk id:

filename: "[id].bundle.css"

The following substitutions are available in template strings:

Substitution Description
[name] The module name or name of the chunk
[id] The number of the chunk or module identifier
[contenthash] The hash of the content of the extracted file

Any combination of these substitutions is allowed (eg. "[name].[id].css").

The option can also be specified as a Function which should return the filename as a string without substitutions.

filename: function (getPath /* (template: string) => string */) {
  return "prefix-" + getPath("[name].[id].css");

The Function has the signature (getPath: ((template: string) => string)) => string where getPath is a function passed as the first argument, that can be used to perform the substitutions on a given template string to retrieve the original path.

Note this option is called filename but you are still allowed to use or return something like "css/[name]/bundle.css" to create a folder structure.

Note this option only affects CSS output files for entries matched by this plugin (CSS entries).


Type: String | String[] | RegExp | Function
Optional and mutually exclusive with ignoreEntries

Specifies the entry or entries to consider as possible CSS entries. Other entries will be ignored.


Type: String | String[] | RegExp | Function
Optional and mutually exclusive with entries

Specifies the entry or entries to ignore. Other entries will be considered as possible CSS entries.


Type: String | String[]
Default: [".css", ".scss", ".less", ".styl"]
Optional and mutually exclusive with test

Specifies which file extensions are valid for files/resources inside considered CSS entries.


Type: RegExp | Function
Optional and mutually exclusive with extensions

Specifies which files/resources are valid for considered CSS entries.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Disables the plugin.