Similarly as it's possible to preview a file as a BASIC program, it should be possible to preview the same file as Z80 machine code - the user will decide how to interpret the file data. The preview should organize the file in at least these three columns (all optional):
a machine code instruction decoded back to Z80 assembler language,
the address of the instruction (either starting from 0 or from a specified offset taken, for instance, from the standard Spectrum parameters),
the machine code itself.
In the ideal case, the formatting of the assembler syntax should be adjustable (application of colors, capital letters, etc.).
Similarly as it's possible to preview a file as a BASIC program, it should be possible to preview the same file as Z80 machine code - the user will decide how to interpret the file data. The preview should organize the file in at least these three columns (all optional):
In the ideal case, the formatting of the assembler syntax should be adjustable (application of colors, capital letters, etc.).