tomasbjerre / simple-bitbucket-commit-checker

Simple, and easy to use, commit checker for Atlassian Bitbucket Server
21 stars 19 forks source link

This plugin is no longer in Marketplace and is not very well maintained.


You may want to use:

Simple Bitbucket Commit Checker Build Status

Simple, and easy to use, commit checker for Atlassian Bitbucket. There are many commit checkers out there. This plugin aims at being simple and user friendly. The admin GUI (here and here) allows the Bitbucket administrator to add custom messages for each rejection reason. Here is a sample reject message and here is a sample accept message. This is a screenshot of a push being rejected.

Available in Atlassian Marketplace.


The plugin is configured on repository level, where all hooks are configured. If you want to configure it once for all repos, have a look at Settings Synchronizer for Bitbucket.

Design goals

The included features should:

Developer instructions

You will need Atlas SDK to compile the code.

You can generate Eclipse project:

atlas-compile eclipse:eclipse

Package the plugin:


Run Bitbucket, with the plugin, on localhost:

export MAVEN_OPTS=-Dplugin.resource.directories=`pwd`/src/main/resources
atlas-mvn bitbucket:run

You can also remote debug on port 5005 with:


Make a release:

atlas-mvn release:prepare
atlas-mvn release:perform