Esta libreria utiliza proyectos como:
Instrucciones para instalar librerías en Arduino IDE la encuentran en este link
- setMotors(). Called this first inside the setup function to assign motor pins
- forward(int mSpeed, int t). Makes both DC motors move forward with speed mSpped for t milliseconds
- forward(int lSpeed, int rSpeed, int t) , moves with different left and right speed
- backward(int mSpeed, int t). Makes both DC motors move backward with speed mSpped for t milliseconds
- backward(int lSpeed, int rSpeed, int t), backward with different left and right speed
- pivotLeft(int mSpeed, int t), turns left with mSpeed for t milliseconds
- pivotRight(int mSpeed, int t), turns left with mSpeed for t milliseconds
- stopMotors(), this function just stop the motors.
- randomForward(int t), moves forward left or right fot t milliseconds
- randomPivot(int p, int t) pivots left or roght with power p and for t milliseconds
- setSensor(int sensorPin) sets pinMode INPUT for pin sensorPin
- readSensor(int sensorPin) reads an analog sensor conected in sensorPin
- pointLight(int sensorPin) assuming there is a light sensor in sensorPin, rotates the robot to the light
- startLED(uint8_t pin) setup neopixel pin
- setLED(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
- startRemote(uint8_t pin) inicializa el control remoto en el pin
- getRemote() revive el dato del control
- startUltrasonic(int trig, int echo) inicial el sensor ultrasonico
- getDistance() retorna la distancia en CM como valor float(real)
Inside the setup() section include the command setMotors(), this will setup all motor pins. Then use movement functions described above in the loop() section of the code
RobotKit is an open source robot. All files and instructions are lcenced under Creatie Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional