tomasmcm / SpotiWeb

Electron wrapper of
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
98 stars 13 forks source link

SpotiWeb   Github Releases

Electron wrapper of

Why would you want to use this instead of the Spotify Desktop App? Because Ads...

Why would you use this app instead of these? Because:


Check releases for the latest version.

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Future Improvements

I'm old school and I want to compile it myself

From your command line:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start

# To compile Win app on Mac
$ brew install wine makensis

# To create App binaries
$ npm run package

# Export Mac app only
$ npm run package:mac

# Export Win apps only
$ npm run package:win

# Export Linux apps only
$ npm run package:linux

# PS: if when running build commands you get permission errors run this:
$ chmod u+x
$ chmod u+x
$ chmod u+x

# To create App zip's
$ npm run zip
# OR Mac only
$ npm run zip:mac
# OR Win only
$ npm run zip:win
# OR Linux only
$ npm run zip:linux

# To create App binaries and zip's
$ npm run build
# OR Mac only
$ npm run build:mac
# OR Win only
$ npm run build:win
# OR Linux only
$ npm run build:linux

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