Electron wrapper of play.spotify.com
Why would you want to use this instead of the Spotify Desktop App? Because Ads...
Why would you use this app instead of these? Because:
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From your command line:
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start
# To compile Win app on Mac
$ brew install wine makensis
# To create App binaries
$ npm run package
# Export Mac app only
$ npm run package:mac
# Export Win apps only
$ npm run package:win
# Export Linux apps only
$ npm run package:linux
# PS: if when running build commands you get permission errors run this:
$ chmod u+x mac.sh
$ chmod u+x win.sh
$ chmod u+x linux.sh
# To create App zip's
$ npm run zip
# OR Mac only
$ npm run zip:mac
# OR Win only
$ npm run zip:win
# OR Linux only
$ npm run zip:linux
# To create App binaries and zip's
$ npm run build
# OR Mac only
$ npm run build:mac
# OR Win only
$ npm run build:win
# OR Linux only
$ npm run build:linux