tomjn / springrts-vagrant

Startings of a Vagrant environment for building spring
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Spring RTS vagrant

Startings of a Vagrant environment for building spring



To use, clone this repository, then from the terminal, execute vagrant up in the root folder. An Ubuntu 10 virtual machine will be created, and the necessary dependencies provisioned. This may take a few minutes.

When vagrant up finishes, check that all is running fine with vagrant status. If the box is running, use vagrant ssh to log into the box, using the password "vagrant", and run the script in your home directory to grab spring, the AIs, and run the cmake scripts.

When finished, exit the VM, then you can shutdown the box with vagrant halt, or suspend it with vagrant suspend.

Spring source will be checked out into /home/vagrant/spring. /home/vagrant/ is mapped on to the home folder for shared access with the host machine.