tomlau10 / gcc-make-run

Compile-run C/C++ source code and execute Makefile in Atom.
MIT License
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GCC Make Run Package

Compile-run C/C++ source code and execute Makefile in Atom.


I am a Windows user and just switched to Atom from Notepad++. Previously I wrote a script in NppExec to compile-run my C/C++ programs and execute Makefiles with customizable compile flags and run options. Atom has numerous community packages and I have tried some. They are really great in certain extent but still cannot fully satisfy my need. Therefore I decided to reference their packages and make my own.



I have tested in the following three platforms:


For Windows users, I recommend installing the TDM-GCC (which I am using), then go to the setting page of this package and change the make utility to mingw32-make, after that everything should work. If you have installed other gcc-compilers, just make sure their command names are in you PATH environment variable


For Ubuntu users, gcc and make should have already been installed, though you may need to install g++ in addition.


For Mac users, Xcode is not a prerequisite but you need to at least install the Xcode Command Line Tools. This site has a more detailed walkthrough.


Settings Page

Settings Page

Run Options

Run Options

Context Menu

Context Menu

Code and Repo Reference

I am new in CoffeeScript and know little about the Model-View-Controller design, thus my code may be messy. Below are the packages that I used and the repositories that I have referenced. They are great and you may want to try them out!