tomncooper / CSC8101-Documentation

The Student Documentation Repository for the Newcastle University CSC8101 Big Data Analytics course
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The student documentation repository for the Newcastle University CSC8101 Big Data Analytics coursework.

Course details and additional information are available here.

Requesting Help

There are various practical sessions across the course where you can ask for help from the demonstrators. This is primary way to get help on the coursework so please take advantage of these sessions.

If you need help outside of the practicals then you can use the issues section of this documentation repository to post questions. This will allow you to see if the question has been asked and answered already. Frequently asked questions will be added to the relevant courseworks's FAQ.

Deadlines and Assessment

Code submission

Your final Spark program source files and your command line program for Task 3 of the Cassandra Coursework should be submitted to NESS by:

09:00 03/03/2017

All student VM’s will be stopped at this time. They will only be started again for your viva. Therefore make sure that you have all the code, that you intend to show in your viva, saved on your VM before this point.


The final assessment for this module is a 20 min viva (interview) with 2 demonstrators and one senior member of staff (Dr Missier or Jonathan Halliday). In this viva you will explain the workings of your code, the structure of your Spark programs and Cassandra table schema and answer questions from the interviewers.

If you feel slides would help you explain your code then feel free to use them, however a formal presentation is not required.

A demonstration of your code running is expected. However, if you have not been able to complete a particular task the interviewers will ask you how you would have approached it. You can still gain marks for a detailed explanation, though obviously less than if you had completed the task successfully.

The vivas will be spread across several days. This Doodle Poll will allow you to select a timeslot for the viva. Please enter your Student Number and Name against your desired slot (Note: Two sessions will be run at the same time so each time slot can be taken by two students). If you are unable to attend any of the viva slots please contact Dr Missier via email.

Cassandra Database Coursework

Release date: 01/02/2017

Coursework Specification

Coursework FAQ

Spark Coursework

Release date: 06/02/2017

Coursework Specification

Coursework FAQ

Spark Streaming Coursework

Release date: 13/02/2017

Introduction Lecture Slides

Coursework Specification

Coursework FAQ