tomocafe / dotfiles

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bash dotfiles i3wm


Common settings and scripts to bring up a system for comfortable use. Includes setup files for i3wm, bash, vim, and more.

Getting Started

Clone the repository to your home directory, enter the dotfiles folder, and run the bootstrap script.

If there are any missing commands that these dotfiles rely on, the bootstrap script will issue a warning prompting you to install them on the system.


These dotfiles are organized into modules that can be individually installed using stow. stow will install files one directory above as symbolic links, merging the directory structure with any existing one.

To install the bash module:

cd ~/dotfiles
stow bash


For i3wm:

You use your terminal of choice, but these dotfiles set rxvt-unicode (urxvt) by default and also provides configuration files for alacritty.


These are adaptations of popular color schemes designed to be unified from the 16-color terminal palette. For dark themes, 0 is a dim background, 8 is a dim foreground, 7 is a bright foreground, and 15 is a brighter foreground (in order of intensity from dim to bright). For light themes, the interpretation of these color indices are reversed (e.g. 15 is a dim background, 0 is a brighter foreground). The normal foreground color should be between 7 and 8 and the terminal background color should be darker (brighter) than 0 (15).


#282828#a89984 #3c3836#cc241d#98971a#d79921#458588#b16286#689d6a#a89984 #7c6f64#fb4934#b8bb26#fabd2f#83a598#d3869b#8ec07c#ebdbb2


#002b36#839496 #073642#dc322f#859900#b58900#268bd2#d33682#2aa198#eee8d5 #586e75#cb4b16#859900#b58900#268bd2#6c71c4#2aa198#fdf6e3


#fdf6e3#657b83 #002b36#dc322f#859900#b58900#268bd2#d33682#2aa198#93a1a1 #073642#cb4b16#859900#b58900#268bd2#6c71c4#2aa198#eee8d5


#2e3440#d8dee9 #3b4252#bf616a#a3be8c#ebcb8b#81a1c1#b48ead#88c0d0#e5e9f0 #636f88#d08770#a3be8c#ebcb8b#81a1c1#b48ead#88c0d0#eceff4


The file .bash_settings includes common aliases, settings, and functions and should be sourced from the user's .bashrc or .bash_profile on the system. The .bashrc file is not included in this repository since it may need to be vastly different depending on the system; hence, everything deemed common enough is moved into the .bash_settings file. The .bash_functions file defines helpful functions and is included by the .bash_settings script.

Many of the generic functions that used to be defined in .bash_functions were moved to the independent bash-boost project. Check there for useful bash functions. These dotfiles now depend on that module.

In your .bashrc (or .bash_profile), you should source before sourcing .bash_settings.



This i3 setup uses make and m4 to generate configuration files based on a selected theme. To set up i3 for first use, go to ~/.i3 and run make, which selects the gruvbox-dark theme by default. To select a different theme, supply make with the THEME variable, for example:

cd ~/.i3
make THEME=gruvbox-dark

This step is automatically performed by the bootstrap script. To change themes, simply make clean and make again with the selected THEME variable. This is automated by the dmenu_theme script (Mod+Shift+T).

If the system has an old version of i3 without pango support, set the environment variable the I3_M4_THEMEARGS="-DM4_I3_COMPAT", which is picked up by m4 to disable certain features that are unsupported on older systems.

The i3 configuration relies on scripts supplied under $I3_HOME/bin, where $I3_HOME is the directory containing the i3 config file, usually ~/.i3. Either the environment variable $I3_HOME must be set accordingly before launching i3, or the configuration must be stored at the default location of ~/.i3 for the configuration to find these scripts.

The file defaults.m4 specifies default applications such as the terminal and browser. You can break the symbolic link created by stow and specify your own values as needed. The same applies for the file font.m4 if you desire to override fonts.


You will need to create an i3blocks configuration file at $I3_HOME/i3blocks.conf. It is not checked in since it is commonly written differently for each system, based on differing needs. See the i3blocks documentation for instructions on how to write the configuration file.

A working example:


command=${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet --read-xresource-colors ~/.i3/Xresources --color-if-more pctused,74,9 --color-if-more pctused,99,1 load cpu --format "CPU {used} {pctused}%" --short-format "CPU {pctused}%"

command=${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet --read-xresource-colors ~/.i3/Xresources --color-if-more pctused,74,9 --color-if-more pctused,89,1 load mem --mem-type virtual --format "VM {free} {pctused}%" --short-format "VM {pctused}%"

command=${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet --read-xresource-colors ~/.i3/Xresources --color-if-more pctused,74,9 --color-if-more pctused,89,1 disk ${HOME} --format "Disk {free} {pctused}%" --short-format "Disk {pctused}%"

command=source ${HOME}/.api_keys && ${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet --schedule '* 5-12 * * 1-5' --read-xresource-colors ~/.i3/Xresources --color-whole-block --color-if-more time,49,9 --color-if-more time,59,1 commute "${HOME_ADDR}" "${WORK_ADDR}" --format "Work {time}"

command=${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet --read-xresource-colors ~/.i3/Xresources --color-if-less percent,-0.99,1 --color-if-more percent,0.99,2 stock NDAQ

command=source ${HOME}/.api_keys && ${I3_HOME:-~/.i3}/bin/blocklet weather zip="${HOME_ZIP}"

command=date +"%A %-d %B %-I:%M %p"; date +"%a %-d %b %-I:%M"

blocklet is a script to generate i3blocks blocklets for weather, traffic, stock ticker, system stats, etc. For detailed usage, use blocklet -h and blocklet <command> -h. Some commands require API keys to be set in the environment ($WEATHER_API_KEY for, $COMMUTE_API_KEY for


If i3lock is installed, this environment attempts to style the lock screen using the i3lock-color fork according to the selected theme, showing the time and date as well as the authentication ring. Rather than use the available transparent blur function, this styling uses a solid color background for the lock screen, for both speed and security. If the installed i3lock is not using the i3lock-color fork, it will fallback to using the limited default options.

Other features


If you are not launching i3 from a login manager, you may need to create an ~/.xsession file.

An example xsession file to launch i3:

# Use local fonts for X11
xset +fp $HOME/.fonts
xset fp rehash

# Set up environment to run i3wm
export I3_HOME=~/.i3
# Following needed only if i3 is installed in a non-standard location, e.g. ~/i3wm-el6/i3-4.8
export PATH="${PATH:+$PATH:}${HOME}/i3wm-el6/i3-4.8/bin:${I3_HOME}/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}${HOME}/i3wm-el6/i3-4.8/lib"
# Following needed only if i3 is an old version without pango support
# Following needed only if running i3 in a headless system (skips peripheral control settings)
export I3_M4_THEMEARGS

# Used by i3-sensible-terminal (and others) to decide which terminal to launch
export TERMINAL="urxvtc"

# Start i3wm
exec i3 ${I3_HOME:+-c $I3_HOME/config} </dev/null

Modification of $PATH (and etc.) can be skipped if i3 is installed system-wide.


These dotfiles provide a basic vimrc configuration with theme support. To apply the theme gruvbox-dark, for example:

cd ~/.vim
make THEME=gruvbox-dark

If using dmenu_theme from i3, the vim theming will be handled automatically.


The script search will invoke ack, passing through all arguments, and return the matches in a base-36-indexed paged list. The companion command search-select allows you to select a match by its index and perform an arbitrary action, by default opening the matched file to the matching line number using $EDITOR from your environment settings. Issuing search-select with no argument recalls all the match results. The last 10 searches are cached; you can list the caches with search-list-cache and then prefix any invocation of search-select with the argument +<cache ID> to draw from a different cache from the default (0: the most recent). Searching with ag is supported by using search-ag instead of search or search-ack. To perform an arbitrary non-default action on the selection using search-select, append the command as the last argument using {file} as a placeholder for the match's file path and {line} as the match's line number, or alternatively, the first occurrence of {} will receive the file path and the second will receive the line number.


search --cpp pattern # invokes "ack --cpp pattern"
search-ack --cpp pattern # same as above
search-ag --cpp pattern # using ag instead, but same result
search-select # show all matches (again)
search-select +0 # same as above, explicitly requesting cache #0 (the default)
search-select 1z # open the match indexed as "1z" in the default editor
search-select +0 1z # same as above
search-select 1z "p4 edit {}" # run the command "p4 edit" on the matched file
search-list-cache # show an indexed list of previous search results in the cache

The bash settings in this environment alias search to s, search-select to a, and search-list-cache to sls.


The script ls-backup will locate any versions of a given file or directory in a backup (a.k.a. snapshot) directory anywhere up the directory tree. You must give 2 arguments to define the backup structure: a name for the backup directory, and the depth of the backup structure. The results are sorted by modification time, which can be explicitly shown with the -v flag. The companion script purge (actually just a symlink to the same script) will interactively remove backup files matching the same inode (or optionally, --all or -a will remove all matching files, regardless of inode).


$ ls-backup -v -I.snapshot -d2 big_log_file.txt
2175384707 05/20/19 18:30:49 /disk/.snapshot/nightly.1/project/abc/big_log_file.txt
2175385731 05/25/19 09:16:58 /disk/.snapshot/nightly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt
2175385731 05/25/19 09:16:58 /disk/.snapshot/hourly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt
$ purge -I.snapshot -d2 big_log_file.txt
Remove /disk/.snapshot/nightly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt? (Yy) > y
Removing /disk/.snapshot/nightly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt
Remove /disk/.snapshot/hourly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt? (Yy) > y
Removing /disk/.snapshot/nightly.0/project/abc/big_log_file.txt