tomoto / kinect-ultra

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Transform yourself to superhero by Kinect / Kinectでスーパーヒーローに変身

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We are moving to Github at since Google Code will be discontinued in Jan 2016.

日本語版は下の方にあります / Scroll down to see the Japanese version

関連プロジェクト「Kinectでかめはめ波」もあります / See also the related project "Kamehamehaby Kinect" at

|' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 /> |' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 /> | |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

What's this?

This is a Kinect Hack that allows you to Transform yourself to Ultra Seven.

This program may freeze or crash on your computer. It may be caused by a bug, your GPU's capability, your graphic driver, or any other possibilities. I cannot tell you exactly why it happens and how you can workaround it, but I will make any information available on this site as far as known. Please come back often and check the latest information. Your cooperation and patience would be much appreciated.

Quick start

If you have Windows 7, download and install the latest Microsoft's Kinect SDK. Then download the latest kinect-ultra for Kinect SDK, extract it wherever you like, and then run kinect-ultra.exe. To run on the OpenNI framework, kinect-ultra for OpenNI is also available. For more information about which to choose, see FAQ_en. What's new

(5/22/2011) Tested on Kinect SDK 1.5. Working fine. (4/23/2011 V1.0a) Kinect SDK version that works without OpenNI is coming up! The transformation pose is now changed to the motion of putting the Ultra Eye on instead of the Psi pose. (9/18/2011 V0.1f) Minor screen size related enhancements and readme fixes. Now the app runs in full screen by hitting ENTER key. (1/9/2011 V0.1a) First release! Description

Run this program on Windows PC with fairly fast CPU and fairly advanced GPU (with at least OpenGL 2.0 and programmable shader capabilities). WorkingConfigurations page lists the configurations this program is reported to work on. Please let me know of your configuration by a comment on the same page.

If you have any problems, please look at FAQ page for solution. If it does not solve the problem, feel free to report them at Issues, or just come back some time later to check if your issues are resolved. Because this program does not have much exposure to other configurations yet than I have, it will take some time to become stable.

If you have any other comments, please leave them at Comments page.

This version supports the following Ultra Sever's superpowers:

Transform by the pose of putting Ultra Eye on Wide Shot Emerium Beam (A/B type) Eye Slugger (throw, hold, and Ultra Knock Attack) Time limit and flying back Thanks to panzerNEWB for nice Eye Slugger model.

See Articles for links to online articles referencing to this project.

For more details, see this presentation:

About the author

See my LinkedIn profile at |' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 /> |' target='_blank'>' width='425' height=344 /> | |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


Kinectでなりきりウルトラセブン!をできるようにするKinect Hackです。



Windows 7のマシンを用意し、まず 最新のMicrosoft Kinect SDK をダウンロード、インストールします。次に 最新のkinect-ultra for Kinect SDK をダウンロード、好きなところに展開し、kinect-ultra.exeを実行します。 OpenNIフレームワークの上で動く kinect-ultra for OpenNI もあります。どちらを選ぶべきかのより詳細な情報は FAQ_ja をご覧ください。 最新情報

(5/22/2011) Kinect SDK 1.5での動作を確認しました。 (4/23/2011 V1.0a) OpenNIなしに動作するKinect SDK版を追加! 本バージョンから変身動作がPsiポーズからウルトラアイを付ける動作に変わっています。 (9/18/2011 V0.1f) 画面サイズに関する小さな変更とreadmeの修正。ENTERキーでフルスクリーンになります。 (1/9/2011 V0.1a) ついに公開! 説明

それなりに高速なCPUとそこそこのGPU(OpenGL 2.0以上、プログラマブルシェーダに対応したもの)を備えたWindows PCで動かしてください。動作報告のあった構成を WorkingConfigurations ページにリストしています。あなたが動かした環境についての情報もコメントで教えてください。


その他コメントがあれば Comments ページにお願いします。


ウルトラアイを付けるポーズで変身 ワイドショット エメリウム光線(A/Bタイプ) アイスラッガー(投げ、持ち、ウルトラノック戦法) 活動時間制限と飛び去り panzerNEWBさんが素晴らしいアイスラッガーのモデルを作ってくれました。





LinkedInプロファイルを参照してください:'>Tomoto S. Washio

Project Information

License: New BSD License 53 stars svn-based source control Labels: Windows Kinect