tomtl / us-aviation

U.S. commercial aviation interactive web mapping app
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U.S. Commercial Aviation Industry Interactive Mapping App


This application aims to investigate market conditions in the U.S commercial aviation industry, showing the counts of passengers for each airport, market, route, and airline, and also showing the competition between carriers at these levels. Users will be able to filter to a specific airport, market, route, airline, or time period. Graphs and charts will be used to show summary statistics.


The intended audience are market analysts and aviation planners. Market analysts need to see and understand the size of the market and the competition within the market. Aviation planners need to see how many people travel, where they travel, how many options they have, and how effective are those options are.

Geographic Extent

The world.


The final product will be a web-based interactive map that allows users to explore the data. There will also be a story telling accompaniment to show the user the high-level statistics and commentary on what those mean using something like ArcGIS Story Maps.


120 hours of planning, development, debugging, and user testing.

Technology and Costs

The data used is freely available from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Software to be used includes a Postgres/PostGIS database, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online and the ArcGIS JavaScript API using currently held student licenses.

Product Development and Delivery

The data will be hosted on ArcGIS Online. Code will be stored on GitHub and the website will be hosted using GitHub Pages. Users will access the application using their web browser.