tone-row / canvas-to-svg

Use HTML Canvas API but produce an SVG
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link


This is port of to Typescript.

Maintenance Status

This repository is not currently being maintained, and may not be up-to-date with the latest versions of its dependencies or other relevant software. However, we welcome contributions from the community to help improve this repository and keep it up-to-date. If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on this repository.


This library turns your Canvas into SVG using javascript. In other words, this library lets you build an SVG document using the canvas api. Why use it?

Original demo

How it works

We create a mock 2d canvas context. Use the canvas context like you would on a normal canvas. As you call methods, we build up a scene graph in SVG. Yay!


import canvasToSvg from "canvas-to-svg";

//Create a new mock canvas context. Pass in your desired width and height for your svg document.
const ctx = new canvasToSvg(500, 500);

//draw your canvas like you would normally
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(100, 100, 100, 100);

//serialize your SVG
const mySerializedSVG = ctx.getSerializedSvg(); //true here, if you need to convert named to numbered entities.

//If you really need to you can access the shadow inline SVG created by calling:
const svg = ctx.getSvg();


To run tests:

yarn test

Using with node.js

You can use canvas2svg with node.js using jsdom with node-canvas. To do this first create a new document object, and then create a new instance of C2S based on that document:

const canvas = require("canvas"),
  jsdom = require("jsdom"),
  C2S = require("canvas2svg").default; // <-- Note .default

const document = jsdom.jsdom();
const ctx = new C2S({ document: document });

// ... drawing code goes here ...


Some canvas 2d context methods are not implemented yet.


My goals in fixing some of the issues with the original package are specific to using it with cytoscape.js. For that reason there is a copy of in the /cytoscape-svg directory, which simply uses canvas-to-svg (this package) instead of canvas2svg.

If the main cytoscape-svg package ever begins using this library instead, I will definitely delete that directory and switch back to using that package (, but for now this version is published under the scoped name @tone-row/cytoscape-svg.


To release a new version:


This library is licensed under the MIT license.