tongr / TextNN

Collection of Python code snippets solving different text mining tasks (on varying datasets) using deep learning.
Apache License 2.0
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TextNN is a collection of Python code snippets solving different text mining tasks (on varying datasets) using deep learning.


Before using the code, please install the necessary software dependencies.


Running the code in a docker container can be achieved by building the image:

docker build --target=env-and-code --tag textnn .

and running the image in interactive mode (conda environment automatically loaded)

docker run --rm -it textnn

To be able to reflect current code changes inside the container, you can bind the current directory as code volume:

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/code" -it textnn

Please note, changes in the container reflect on the code directory of the host system.

Docker w/ GPU support

To enable GPU support build with:

docker build --target=gpu-env-and-code --tag textnn .

and run:

docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia -it textnn

Docker on AWS

The recommended EC2 setup (e.g., g3s.xlarge) is based on Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) Version 21.2 (ami-0e9085a8d461c2d01) with an increased volumne of 120GB or more. It is recommended to execute code via Docker, by setting up the project and creating an image:

git clone && cd TextNN && \
    docker build --target=gpu-env-and-code -t textnn .

And running the experiments inside the container:

docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia -v "${PWD}:/code" -it textnn

Docker registry (GitLab)

To build and push the current version (also marked as latest), run:

DATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" && \
NAME="" && \
VERSION="$(git describe --always)" && \
COMMIT="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" && \
  docker build --target=env-and-code --build-arg "BUILD_DATE=${DATE}" --build-arg "BUILD_NAME=${NAME}" \
      --build-arg "BUILD_VERSION=${VERSION}" --build-arg "VCS_REF=${COMMIT}" \
      --tag ${NAME}:${VERSION} --tag ${NAME}/cpu:${VERSION} . && \
  docker tag ${NAME}:${VERSION} ${NAME}:latest && \
  docker tag ${NAME}/cpu:${VERSION} ${NAME}/cpu:latest && \
  docker push ${NAME}:${VERSION} && docker push ${NAME}/cpu:${VERSION} \
  docker push ${NAME}:latest && docker push ${NAME}/cpu:latest && \
  docker build --target=gpu-env-and-code --build-arg "BUILD_DATE=${DATE}" --build-arg "BUILD_NAME=${NAME}" \
      --build-arg "BUILD_VERSION=${VERSION}" --build-arg "VCS_REF=${COMMIT}" --tag ${NAME}/gpu:${VERSION} . && \
  docker tag ${NAME}/gpu:${VERSION} ${NAME}/gpu:latest && \
  docker push ${NAME}/gpu:${VERSION} && docker push ${NAME}/gpu:latest

Run tests:

docker run --rm -it pytest --cov -vv


Labeled data

The individual datasets have a specific DATASET indicator, the parameters for the following experiments are equivalent:

  1. To run training and evaluation of a LSTM model to predict positive/negative reviews run:

    python ./ [DATASET] [OPT_ARGS] train-and-test [--validation-split VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO]

    where the optional VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO (default 0.05) specified how much data will be hold back for epoch validation during training.

    Further optional arguments OPT_ARGS will influence the following areas:

    • text encoding settings: --vocabulary-size VOCABULARY_SIZE, --max-text-length MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, --pad-beginning [True|False] (whether to add padding at start and end of a sequence), and --use-start-end-indicators [True|False] (whether to use reserved indicator token <START> and <END>)
    • embedding setup: --embeddings [EMBEDDING_SIZE|PRETRAINED_EMBEDDINGS_FILE] (--update-embeddings [True|False])
    • network structure --layer_definitions [LAYER_DEFINITIONS] (layer definitions separated by pipe, e.g., --layer-definitions 'LSTM(16)|Dense(8)')
    • training --batch-size BATCH_SIZE, --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS, --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE, --learning-decay LEARNING_DECAY, --shuffle-training-data [True|False|RANDOM_SEED] (RANDOM_SEED refers to an int value used as the seed for the random number generator)
    • print config information --log-config [True|False] (default: True)
  2. To debug the selected encoding model run:
    python ./ [DATASET] [OPT_ARGS] \
        test-encoding "This is a test sentence" "This sentence contains the unknown word klcuvhacnjbduskxuscj" \
       [--show-padding [True|False]] [--show-start-end [True|False]]

    This command will create representations for the two example sentences. The parameter --show-padding forces the output of <PAD> indicators in the re-decoded text and --show-start-end en-/disables <START> and <END> indicators. The aforementioned optional arguments OPT_ARGS still apply.

  3. To execute k-fold cross validation based only on the training data set
    python ./ [DATASET] [OPT_ARGS] \
        cross-validation [--k NUMBER_OF_FOLDS]

    The NUMBER_OF_FOLDS indicates the amout of folds / splits to use for cross validation. Aforementioned optional arguments OPT_ARGS still apply.

IMDb - Large Movie Review Dataset

The ACL IMDb dataset consists of 25,000 highly polar movie reviews for training, and 25,000 for testing and can be found here (alt. here).

Preparation: Download the dataset and extract it in the aclImdb subfolder.

curl | tar -xz

In the following examples, the indicator IMDB_DATA_FOLDER refers to the base folder of the ACL IMDb dataset: IMDB_DATA_FOLDER=${PWD}/aclImdb/

Run experiments:

  1. To run training and evaluation of a LSTM model to predict positive/negative reviews run:

    python ./ imdb --data-folder [IMDB_DATA_FOLDER] [OPT_ARGS] \
       train-and-test [--validation-split VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO]

    where IMDB_DATA_FOLDER refers to the base folder of the ACL IMDb dataset and the aforementioned optional arguments VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  2. To debug the selected encoding model run:

    python ./ imdb --data-folder [IMDB_DATA_FOLDER] [OPT_ARGS] \
       test-encoding "This is a test sentence" "This sentence contains the unknown word klcuvhacnjbduskxuscj" \
       [--show-padding [True|False]] [--show-start-end [True|False]]

    The aforementioned optional arguments --show-padding [...], --show-start-end [...], and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  3. To execute k-fold cross validation based only on the training data set

    python ./ imdb --data-folder [IMDB_DATA_FOLDER] [OPT_ARGS] \
        cross-validation [--k NUMBER_OF_FOLDS]

    The aforementioned optional arguments NUMBER_OF_FOLDS and OPT_ARGS still apply.

Amazon Customer Reviews

The Amazon reviews dataset consists of hundred million reviews by millions of Amazon customers over two decades. The reviews express opinions and describe the customer experiences regarding products on the website. Different review subsets are listed here:

Preparation: Download a dataset (e.g., Amazon Video reviews amazon_reviews_us_Video_v1_00.tsv.gz):

wget -P amazon

In the following examples, the indicator AMAZON_DATA_FILE refers to the downloaded data file of the Amazon dataset: AMAZON_DATA_FILE=${PWD}/amazon/amazon_reviews_us_Video_v1_00.tsv.gz

Run experiments:

  1. To run training and evaluation of a LSTM model to predict positive/negative reviews run:

    python ./ amazon --data-file [AMAZON_DATA_FILE] [OPT_ARGS] \
        train-and-test [--validation-split VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO]

    where AMAZON_DATA_FILE refers to the Amazon dataset file, the aforementioned optional arguments VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  2. To debug the selected encoding model run:

    python ./ amazon --data-file [AMAZON_DATA_FILE] [OPT_ARGS] \
       test-encoding "This is a test sentence" "This sentence contains the unknown word klcuvhacnjbduskxuscj" \
       [--show-padding [True|False]] [--show-start-end [True|False]]

    The aforementioned optional arguments --show-padding [...], --show-start-end [...], and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  3. To execute k-fold cross validation based only on the training data set

    python ./ amazon --data-folder [IMDB_DATA_FOLDER] [OPT_ARGS] \
        cross-validation [--k NUMBER_OF_FOLDS]

    The aforementioned optional arguments NUMBER_OF_FOLDS and OPT_ARGS still apply.

YELP reviews

The YELP reviews dataset consists of approx. 6 million reviews for 200k businesses. The reviews express opinions and describe the customer experiences collected on

Preparation: Download the dataset and extract the review.json. In the following examples, the indicator YELP_DATA_FILE refers to the extracted review.json file.

Run experiments:

  1. To run training and evaluation of a LSTM model to predict positive/negative reviews run:

    python ./ yelp --data-file [YELP_DATA_FILE] [OPT_ARGS] \
        train-and-test [--validation-split VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO]

    where YELP_DATA_FILE refers to the YELP dataset file, the aforementioned optional arguments VALIDATION_HOLD_OUT_RATIO and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  2. To debug the selected encoding model run:

    python ./ yelp --data-file [YELP_DATA_FILE] [OPT_ARGS] \
       test-encoding "This is a test sentence" "This sentence contains the unknown word klcuvhacnjbduskxuscj" \
       [--show-padding [True|False]] [--show-start-end [True|False]]

    The aforementioned optional arguments --show-padding [...], --show-start-end [...], and OPT_ARGS still apply.

  3. To execute k-fold cross validation based only on the training data set

    python ./ yelp --data-folder [IMDB_DATA_FOLDER] [OPT_ARGS] \
        cross-validation [--k NUMBER_OF_FOLDS]

    The aforementioned optional arguments NUMBER_OF_FOLDS and OPT_ARGS still apply.

DBpedia categories

TODO: add description ...

Yahoo! Answers

TODO: add description ...

AG news

TODO: add description ...

Sogou news

TODO: add description ...

Pretrained word embeddings

Pretrained word embeddings can be used by loading provided vec files. For instance, fastText - aligned word vectors (aalternatively, other word vectors)