tongrhj / code-shifu

Find a programming shifu with our Meteor directory
MIT License
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Find your programming shifu

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Stories in Ready

A meteor web app to empower programmers to hone their skills by providing them with a comprehensive directory of programming tutors (Code Shifus) that they can consult.


  1. A directory of Code Shifus: search by name or programming language/ skill
  2. Customizeable Shifu Profiles: each tutor has a customizeable profile where they list their programming expertise, suggested rates, and a brief 'About Me'

Project Approach

  1. Storing and retrieving user account information from MongoDB database
  2. Allow user logins via Github and Google and local accounts
  3. Using Meteor Searchsource to search and filter through tutor publication
  4. Crafting an exceptional user experience with visually arresting images and smooth transitions with Materialize UI Library

Fun To Do's

  1. Try creating a tutor profile. Notice how we automatically include an image representing your programming language on your skill cards?
  2. Try searching for tutors. Notice how instant it is? Because we're using a simple Regex search, we're also able to highlight the exact text within the tutor card that matches your search query.

Contributors (Team JT)

Tools and Framewoks