Find your programming shifu
A meteor web app to empower programmers to hone their skills by providing them with a comprehensive directory of programming tutors (Code Shifus) that they can consult.
- A directory of Code Shifus: search by name or programming language/ skill
- Customizeable Shifu Profiles: each tutor has a customizeable profile where they list their programming expertise, suggested rates, and a brief 'About Me'
Project Approach
- Storing and retrieving user account information from MongoDB database
- Allow user logins via Github and Google and local accounts
- Using Meteor Searchsource to search and filter through tutor publication
- Crafting an exceptional user experience with visually arresting images and smooth transitions with Materialize UI Library
Fun To Do's
- Try creating a tutor profile. Notice how we automatically include an image representing your programming language on your skill cards?
- Try searching for tutors. Notice how instant it is? Because we're using a simple Regex search, we're also able to highlight the exact text within the tutor card that matches your search query.
Contributors (Team JT)
- Jeremy Tan - @wytanj
- Jared Tong - @tongrhj
- Jerry Tan - @jerrygraced
Tools and Framewoks
- Meteor + Searchsource
- Yeoman + Meteor-generator
- Materialize