tonwhales / ton-nominators

TON Nominators Pool Smart Contract
GNU General Public License v3.0
155 stars 47 forks source link

Ton Nominators Pool

Nominator pool source code for TON.

Add stake

Adding stake is two step process: first you send a stake and eventually pool need accept it. Nominator Pool is free to NOT accept your stake for any reason.

All pools have different deposit fees and minimum stake amounts, check out information about current deposit fees.

To send stake send a message with a comment Stake (capitalization is important) with value of desired stake + deposit fee.

Withdraw stake

Withdrawal also two step process: first you need to request withdrawal and then when withdrawal solidify, you can repeat command to withdraw result. Sometimes you can withdraw immediatelly.

All pools have different withdraw fees, check out information about current withdraw fees.

To withdraw stake send a message with a comment Withdraw (capitalization is important) with value of withdraw fee.


This contract has almost full testing coverage, but it is not open source.


Nominator pool is combination of several contracts:

Before deployment you need to have Owner and Controller contracts ready and deployed and generated two vanity contracts - one for proxy in masterchain and one for pool in basic workchain.


GNU v3