tonylukasavage / triple

REPL for Titanium
MIT License
96 stars 21 forks source link

Dev Dependency check


REPL for Titanium. Inspired heavily by node.js's own repl.



Install NPM version

$ npm install -g triple


≫ triple -h

  Usage: triple [options] [file [delay]]


    -h, --help                      output usage information
    -V, --version                   output the version number
    --clean                         re-create the triple titanium app
    -I, --ios-version <iosVersion>  select the ios version to use
    -m, --module <ids>              Add native module(s) to REPL
    -p, --platform <platform>       mobile platform for triple
    -v, --verbose                   Enable verbose output


    basic REPL
    $ triple
    [creating app]
    [loading app]
    > alert('hello, world!');

    load by file or url, with optional delay between lines
    $ triple /path/to/file.js
    $ triple
    $ triple /path/to/file.js 2000

    add native module(s) to REPL by id
    $ triple --module ti.paint
    $ triple --module some.module,another.module

triple commands

triple includes a few commands to control its operations. These must be preceded by the dot (.) to be recognized as commands.

.add [file ...]

Add file(s) to REPL at runtime.

$ triple
> .add /path/to/image.png
> var image = Ti.UI.createImageView({image:'image.png'});


Abort a multi-line statement.

$ triple
> for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
... // i want to stop this statement
... .break


Create a new execution context for the current REPL.

$ triple
> var foo = 123;
> foo
> .clear
> foo
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: foo


Exits the REPL.

$ triple
> .exit


Shows command help in the REPL.

.load [delay]

Load a local or remote Javascript file line by line in to the REPL. A delay between each line of code's execution can be specified in milliseconds. If <file> is a directory, triple will attempt to load app.js then index.js from the directory.

$ triple
> .load ./app.js
> .load
> .load 2000


Saves the current REPL session to a file. This file can be loaded in triple later with .load.

$ triple
> Ti.UI.createWindow({backgroundColor:'#a00'}).open();
> .save ./test.js


triple has so far been developed and tested with the following OSes and mobile platforms:

Support for all of Appcelerator's supported platforms is planned. Windows OS support is planned as well.

Known Issues

Aside from the issues in this repo, here's some other known issues with Titanium that you might encounter when using triple.


Thanks to all the developers that have helped with triple so far!

 project  : triple
 repo age : 7 months
 active   : 47 days
 commits  : 259
 files    : 25
 authors  : 
   248  Tony Lukasavage         95.8%
     4  skypanther              1.5%
     2  jasonkneen              0.8%
     2  Jeff Haynie             0.8%
     1  Matt Apperson           0.4%
     1  Manuel Lehner           0.4%
     1  Fokke Zandbergen        0.4%

Also, honorable mention to @k0sukey for his initial work on Android support.