toolisticon / istanbul-coveralls

A simple alias for istanbul + node-coveralls
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A simple alias for istanbul + node-coveralls

istanbul cover test.js && cat ./coverage/ | coveralls && rm -rf ./coverage

istanbul cover test.js && istanbul-coveralls


Use npm.

npm install --save-dev istanbul istanbul-coveralls


  1. Write a coverage information file under ./coverage by using istanbul cover command or the API of istanbul.
  2. Run istanbul-coveralls command. See the docs of node-coveralls for more information about its usage.



By default, it removes ./coverage after coverage reporting. If --no-rm flag is enabled, it doesn't remove the directory.

istanbul cover test.js && istanbul-coveralls --no-rm



istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha && ./node_modules/.bin/istanbul-coveralls

If you run the test as a npm script, you can omit directory names from the command.

istanbul cover _mocha && istanbul-coveralls


Copyright (c) 2018 Holisticon AG

Licensed under the MIT LIcense.