toolness / jess-portfolio

A portfolio for Jess.
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Quick start

With Docker

Without Docker

Starting a new project

  1. Come up with a slug for your project. For the rest of this section we'll assume it's my-cool-project.

  2. Run bash my-cool-project.

  3. Edit content/project/ to your liking, filling out its project metadata.

  4. By default, your project has a placeholder featured image. You'll want to give it a real one by overwriting static/project/my-cool-project/_featured.png.

  5. Be sure to add the new files to your git repository with e.g. git add content static.

Adding images and other static assets

Static assets for your project are stored in static/project/my-cool-project, so if you want to add any images or other embedded content to you project page, you'll want to put it there.

When you reference the asset from your project's markdown file, you only need to include its filename, because the asset will be in the same directory as the project page when the static site is generated.

For example, let's say you have a picture called boop.jpg that you'd like to add to your project page. To do this:

  1. First, copy the file to static/project/my-cool-project/boop.jpg.

  2. Add the following to the body of content/project/

    <img src="" alt="some alt text">

Directory structure

Project metadata

The stuff at the top of every project markdown file is called front matter and defines some metadata for the project. We use YAML for the front matter. Here's some of the metadata fields we use:


This project uses Bulma for styling.

All of our own first-party CSS is in static/css/style.css.

In general, we try to put the word jess somewhere in the names of first-party classes, to easily distinguish them from Bulma's built-in classes.


To deploy to staging, run bash The site will be visible at

To deploy to production, run bash The site will be visible at