tooniez / local-dev-base

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Local Development Services

This project provides a local development environment with essential services for building and testing modern web applications. It includes a variety of databases, caching solutions, search capabilities, object storage, and email testing tools, all containerized for easy setup.


All services are pre-configured with Docker Compose, allowing developers to quickly spin up a complete development stack with a single command. This setup ensures consistency across different development environments and simplifies the process of onboarding new team members.



This project uses several services, all containerized using Docker:

  1. MongoDB: NoSQL database

    • Default port: 27017
  2. PostgreSQL: Relational database

    • Default port: 5432
  3. Redis: In-memory data structure store

    • Default port: 6379
  4. Elasticsearch: Search and analytics engine

    • Default port: 9200
  5. MinIO: Object storage

    • API port: 9000
    • Console port: 9001
  6. MailHog: Email testing tool

    • SMTP port: 1025
    • Web interface port: 8025

Running the Project

To start all services:

make up

To stop all services:

make down

To view logs:

make logs

To access the MinIO console:


To access the MailHog web interface:


Additional Information

For more details on each service, refer to their respective documentation:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.