topcoder-platform / micro-frontends-taas-admin-app

taas-admin-app for managing taas administrative activities
MIT License
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Topcoder TaaS Admin Micro-app

This is a single-spa example React microapp.

NOTE. This application have been configured to be run as child app of a single-spa application. So while this app can be deployed and run independently, we would need some frame single-spa which would load it. While technically we can achieve running this app as standalone app it's strongly not recommended by the author of the single-spa approach, see this GitHub Issue for details.


Technology Stack


For available variables config which depend on the running environment (APPENV=dev or APPENV=prod), please refer to config/dev.js and config/prod.js.

For application constants which don't depend on the running environment use src/constants/index.js.

NPM Commands

Command Description
npm start Run server which serves production ready build from dist folder
npm run dev Run app in the development mode
npm run dev-https Run app in the development mode using HTTPS protocol
npm run build Build app for production and puts files to the dist folder
npm run analyze Analyze dependencies sizes and opens report in the browser
npm run lint Check code for lint errors
npm run format Format code using prettier
npm run test Run unit tests
npm run watch-tests Watch for file changes and run unit tests on changes
npm run coverage Generate test code coverage report

Deployment to Production

Deploying to Heroku

Make sure you have Heroku CLI installed and you have a Heroku account. And then inside the project folder run the next commands:

How to run Locally for Development

TaaS Admin App is done using Single SPA micro-frontend architecture So to start it, we would also have to run Frame App and Navbar App. Here I would show the steps to run locally everything we need.

Local Authentication

First of all, to authenticate locally we have to run a local authentication service.

Local Domain

Some config files are using domain You can change it to localhost in all the configs of each repo mentioned below. Or on your local machine, update file /etc/hosts add the line This file has another path on Windows.

Run Applications

  1. Run Frame App:

    git clone
    cd mfe-core
    # inside folder "mfe-core" run:
    nvm use # or make sure to use Node 10
    npm i   # to install dependencies
    # set environment variables:
    export APPMODE="development"
    export APPENV="local-multi"
    npm run local-server
    # this would start frame server on http://localhost:3000

    open one more terminal window in the same folder and run:

    # set environment variables:
    export APPMODE="development"
    export APPENV="local-multi"
    npm run local-client
    # this host frame client code on http://localhost:8080
  2. Run Navbar micro-app:

    git clone
    cd mfe-header

    Update in file mfe-header/config/dev.js values for ACCOUNTS_APP_CONNECTOR and AUTH to http://localhost:5000 so Navbar app which handles authentication uses our local Authentication service.

    # inside folder "mfe-header" run:
    nvm use # or make sure to use Node 10
    npm i   # to install dependencies
    npm run dev
    # this host navbar app as http://localhost:3001/navbar/topcoder-mfe-header.js
  3. Run TaaS Admin micro-app:

    # inside folder "taas-admin-app" run:
    nvm use # or make sure to use Node 10
    npm i   # to install dependencies
    npm run dev
    # this hosts TaaS Admin App as http://localhost:8502/taas-admin-app/topcoder-micro-frontends-taas-admin-app.js
  4. Now we have to update the mfe-core app to show our local version of TaaS Admin App, instead of remote one. Update file mfe-core/config/micro-frontends-config-local.json:

    // replace line
    "@topcoder/micro-frontends-taas-admin-app": "",
    // with line:
    "@topcoder/micro-frontends-taas-admin-app": "http://localhost:8502/taas-admin-app/topcoder-micro-frontends-taas-admin-app.js",

Congratulations, you successfully run the project. If you had some issue, please, try to go through README of and