topdown / VVV-Dashboard

Dashboard for Varying Vagrant Vagrants
254 stars 40 forks source link
dashboard varying-vagrant-vagrants

This is a Varying Vagrant Vagrants Dashboard for the excellent Varying Vagrant Vagrants

Its purpose is to dynamically load host links to all sites created in the VVV www path along with a long list of additional tools. See Feature list below.

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Clone this repo to your VVV/www/default/ directory and then copy dashboard-custom.php there:

cd www/default
git clone dashboard
cp dashboard/dashboard-custom.php .

While VVV is running (vagrant up), the new dashboard is now viewable at your VVV root (usually vvv or


Update your repo via git pull and then copy dashboard-custom.php to your default directory.

cd www/default/dashboard
git pull
cp dashboard-custom.php ..

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Feature List

Note: Recent Changes

You no longer need to copy the style.css anywhere.

There is now a cache system. If you don't see cache files on the first dashboard load, make sure dashboard/cache/ is writable (it should be).

There are bound keys for the search feature: the enter key and down arrow key search down the list, and the up arrow searches up.


There are some customizations that you can do to VVV Dashboard

  1. change settings in the VVV/www/default/dashboard-custom.php
  2. create a custom.css and add custom CSS. This file is ignored when updating and autoloaded if exists.

Want the host list full view all the time with no scolling/overflow

create a VVV/www/default/dashboard/custom.css file and add this

.sites {
    max-height: 100%;
    overflow-y: auto;
    overflow-x: auto;



More Screenshots

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NOTE: This Dashboard project has no affiliation with Varying Vagrant Vagrants or any other components listed here.

Change Log


03/14/17 version: 0.2.0

11/08/16 version: 0.1.9

11/08/16 version: 0.1.8

05/24/16 version: 0.1.7

05/24/16 version: 0.1.6

05/09/16 version: 0.1.5

12/12/15 version: 0.1.4

12/01/15 version: 0.1.3

12/01/15 version: 0.1.2

11/22/15 version: 0.1.1

11/22/15 version: 0.1.0

11/20/15 version: 0.0.9

11/20/15 version: 0.0.8

11/20/15 version: 0.0.7

11/19/2015 version: 0.0.6

5/18/2015 version: 0.0.5


5/16/2015 version: 0.0.4


These projects are used in VVV Dashboard
