tophatter / facebook-ruby-ads-sdk

The Facebook Marketing API in Ruby.
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Facebook Marketing API SDK for Ruby

Facebook Ads

This gem allows you to manage your Facebook Ads using a ruby interface. It allows you to list, create, update and destroy Facebook Ad objects (campaigns, ad sets, ads, etc) and get real-time insights about the performance of Facebook Ads.


gem install facebook_ads

Or, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'facebook_ads', '~> 0.7'


You'll need an Access Token with ads_management permissions in order to use Facebook's Marketing API.

FacebookAds.access_token = '[YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]'

You can also optionally include an App Secret if you need one for your application.

FacebookAds.app_secret = '[YOUR_APP_SECRET]'

API Version

This gem currently defaults v3.2 of the Marketing API. You can change the version as desired with the following:

FacebookAds.base_uri = '[desired-version-here]'


This gem provides a console using Pry and AwesomePrint for you to test & debug. It reads the Access Token from a file called test_access_token.

echo [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN] > test_access_token

Usage Examples

A strong understanding of the Facebook Ads object structure will greatly help you use this gem.

The basic object structure:

Facebook Ads Object Structure

In total, there are 7 Facebook Ads objects that can be interacted with via this gem: AdAccount, AdCampaign, AdImage, AdCreative, AdSet, Ad and AdInsight.

The typical flow is as follows:

  1. Create an AdCampaign for an AdAccount.
  2. Create AdImages for an AdAccount.
  3. Create an AdCreative for an AdAccount using the AdImages from #2.
  4. Create ad AdSet for the AdCampaign from #1.
  5. Create an Ad for the AdSet from #4 using the AdCreative from #3.
  6. Monitor the performance of the Ad from #5 using AdInsights.
  7. Update the daily budget of the AdSet from #4 as needed.

You'll find usage examples for each of these 7 objects below.

Ad Accounts (Fetch, Find, Update)

Fetch all accounts that can be accessed using your access token:

accounts = FacebookAds::AdAccount.all

Find an account by ID:

account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.find('act_1132789356764349')

Find an account by name:

account = FacebookAds::AdAccount.find_by(name: 'ReFuel4')

Update an account (using both .save() and .update()): = 'ReFuel4 [Updated]'
account = # Returns the updated object.
account.update(name: 'ReFuel4') # Returns a boolean.

The list of fields that can be updated is here.

Ad Campaigns (Fetch, Find, Create, Update, Destroy)

Fetch all active campaigns:

campaigns = account.ad_campaigns

Fetch all paused campaigns (can pass multiple statuses in the array):

campaigns = account.ad_campaigns(effective_status: ['PAUSED'])

See FacebookAds::AdCampaign::STATUSES for a list of all statuses.

Fetch all campaigns:

campaigns = account.ad_campaigns(effective_status: nil)

Create a new campaign for website conversions that is initially paused:

campaign = account.create_ad_campaign(
  name: 'Test Campaign',
  objective: 'CONVERSIONS',
  status: 'PAUSED'

See FacebookAds::AdCampaign::OBJECTIVES for a list of all objectives.

Find a campaign by ID:

campaign = FacebookAds::AdCampaign.find(

Update a campaign (using both .save() and .update()):

campaign.status = 'ACTIVE'
campaign = # Returns the updated object.
campaign.update(status: 'PAUSED') # Returns a boolean.

The list of fields that can be updated is here.

Destroy a campaign:


Ad Images (Fetch, Find, Create, Destroy)


Fetch all images owned by an account:

ad_images = account.ad_images

Create images using an array of URLs:

ad_images = account.create_ad_images([

Find images using their hash values:

ad_images = account.ad_images(hashes:

Destroy images:

Ad Creatives (Fetch, Find, Create, Update, Destroy)


Fetch all creatives owned by an account:

ad_creatives = account.ad_creatives

Create a carousel creative driving installs for an Android app:

carousel_ad_creative = account.create_ad_creative({
  name: 'Test Carousel Creative',
  page_id: '300664329976860', # Add your Facebook Page ID here.
  link: '', # Add your Play Store ID here.
  message: 'A message.',
  assets: [
    { hash: ad_images.first.hash, title: 'Image #1 Title' },
    { hash: ad_images.second.hash, title: 'Image #2 Title' }
  call_to_action_type: 'SHOP_NOW',
  multi_share_optimized: true,
  multi_share_end_card: false
}, creative_type: 'carousel')

See FacebookAds::AdCreative::CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES for a list of all call to action types.

Create a single image creative advertising an Android app:

image_ad_creative = account.create_ad_creative({
  name: 'Test Single Image Creative',
  page_id: '300664329976860', # Add your Facebook Page ID here.
  message: 'A message.',
  link: '', # Add your Play Store ID here.
  link_title: 'A link title.',
  image_hash: ad_images.first.hash,
  call_to_action_type: 'SHOP_NOW'
}, creative_type: 'image')

Create a single creative for a web link:

image_ad_creative = account.create_ad_creative({
  title: 'Test Link Title',
  body: 'Link Description Text',
  object_url: '',
  link_url: '',
  image_hash: ad_images.first.hash,
}, creative_type: 'link')

The options will be different depending on the thing being advertised (Android app, iOS app or website).

Find a creative by ID:

ad_creative = FacebookAds::AdCreative.find(

Update a creative (using both .save() and .update()): = 'Test Carousel Creative [Updated]'
ad_creative = # Returns the updated object.
ad_creative.update(name: 'Test Carousel Creative') # Returns a boolean.

The list of fields that can be updated is here.

Destroy a creative:


Ad Sets (Fetch, Find, Create, Update, Destroy)


You interact with ad sets via a campaign:

campaign = account.ad_campaigns(effective_status: nil).first

Fetch all active ad sets for a campaign:

ad_sets = campaign.ad_sets

Fetch all paused ad sets for a campaign (can pass multiple statuses in the array):

ad_sets = campaign.ad_sets(effective_status: ['PAUSED'])

See FacebookAds::AdSet::STATUSES for a list of all statuses.

Fetch all ad sets for a campaign:

ad_sets = campaign.ad_sets(effective_status: nil)

Specify the audience targeted by this ad set:

targeting                   =
targeting.genders           = [FacebookAds::AdTargeting::WOMEN]
targeting.age_min           = 29
targeting.age_max           = 65
targeting.countries         = ['US']
targeting.user_os           = [FacebookAds::AdTargeting::ANDROID_OS]
targeting.user_device       = FacebookAds::AdTargeting::ANDROID_DEVICES
targeting.app_install_state = FacebookAds::AdTargeting::NOT_INSTALLED

A lot can be done with targeting. You can learn more about targeting specs here.

Create an ad set to drive installs to an Android app using the targeting above:

ad_set = campaign.create_ad_set(
  name: 'Test Ad Set',
  targeting: targeting,
  promoted_object: { # This can be an Android app, iOS app or pixel ID, plus an optional custom event.
    application_id: '295802707128640',
    object_store_url: '',
    custom_event_type: 'PURCHASE'
  optimization_goal: 'OFFSITE_CONVERSIONS',
  daily_budget: 500, # This is in cents, so the daily budget here is $5.
  billing_event: 'IMPRESSIONS',
  status: 'PAUSED',
  bid_strategy: 'LOWEST_COST_WITHOUT_CAP'

See FacebookAds::AdSet::OPTIMIZATION_GOALS for a list of all optimization goals. See FacebookAds::AdSet::BILLING_EVENTS for a list of all billing events. See FacebookAds::AdSet::BID_STRATEGIES for a list of all bid strategies.

Find an ad set by ID:

ad_set = FacebookAds::AdSet.find(

Update an ad set (using both .save() and .update()):

ad_set.status = 'ACTIVE'
ad_set.daily_budget = 400
ad_set = # Returns the updated object.
ad_set.update(status: 'PAUSED', daily_budget: 500) # Returns a boolean.

The list of fields that can be updated is here.

Destroy an ad set:


Ad Set Activities (Fetch)

You interact with activities via an ad set:

ad_set = account.ad_sets(effective_status: nil).first

Fetch all activities in last 24 hours for an ad set:

activities = ad_set.activities

Fetch all activities in last 48 hours for an ad set:

activities = ad_set.activities(from: 2.days.ago, to:

Ads (Fetch, Find, Create, Update, Destroy)

You interact with ads via an ad set:

ad_set = account.ad_sets(effective_status: nil).first

Fetch all active ads for an ad set:

ads =

Fetch all paused ads for an ad set (can pass multiple statuses in the array):

ads = ['PAUSED'])

See FacebookAds::Ad::STATUSES for a list of all statuses.

Fetch all ads for an ad set:

ads = nil)

Fetch a creative that we'll use to create an ad:

ad_creative = account.ad_creatives.first

Create an ad:

ad = ad_set.create_ad(name: 'Test Ad', creative_id:

Find an ad by ID:

ad = FacebookAds::Ad.find(

Update an ad (using both .save() and .update()): = 'Test Ad [Updated]'
ad.status = 'ACTIVE'
ad = # Returns the updated object.
ad.update(name: 'Test Ad', status: 'PAUSED') # Returns a boolean.

The list of fields that can be updated is here.

Destroy an ad:


Ad Insights (Fetch)

Fetch today's insights for an account:


Fetch yesterday's insights for an account:

account.ad_insights(range: Date.yesterday..Date.yesterday)

Fetch today's insights for a campaign:


Fetch yesterday's insights for a campaign:

account.ad_campaigns.last.ad_insights(range: Date.yesterday..Date.yesterday)

Product Catalogs

List all product catalogs:


Create a new product catalog:

catalog = FacebookAds::AdProductCatalog.create(name: 'test')

Delete a product catalog:
