topshef / katomia

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Welcome to project #katomic, by Kato

Project Name: Katomic

Team Name: Kato

Hackathon Theme: De-Fi

Project Description

Team: Alex Taylor

Themes: Sustainability, DeFi, Tokenize the Future

Overview of problem

Web3 remains largely ignored or misunderstood outside of the relatively niche "crypto" sphere. Business mindsets remain stuck to out-dated web2 frameworks, and the language around web3 remains inaccessible to many. Further, many web3 "blockchain" solutions are themselves also out-dated, so there's an additional challenge for Hedera in trying to switch them over, on top of leap-frogging web2 players.

Specifically for new-comers to Hedera who do not code, there is a shortage of accessible "hooks" to engage in fun practical learning. Limiting access to developers limits innovation. Collaborating in the web3 jungle is costly and limited by a shortage of skilled resources. Teams need simple tools that appeal to diverse stakeholders so they can join in creating the future on Hedera by speaking a common language.

Target industry/community

Kato initially targets creators and professionals working within or close to web3 projects, to help them collaborate and leverage the full native power of Hedera atomic swaps.

The issue identified for submission

It is difficult for a non-developer to author and execute their own design of an atomic swap. A dependence on developers during the design process limits innovation.

Thought process

The team leader has 30+ years experience working on the boundary between business and technology, a boundary which might often be described as a chasm!

The bridge over this chasm is rickety, long, and foggy. Many have been lost, and distant howls echo from far below. Standing in the middle you can just about see the silhouette of siloed figures sitting safely at each end, speaking their own languages.

At one end Kato hears the language of commerce, and at the other end the language of coding. Kato wishes to bring these two worlds together through a common language that meets each side half way – Katomic is both natural as a language, and structured as coding, allowing both sides to create and collaborate more easily.

Future plans for the project

Kato is young and needs nurturing to hone her super-powers towards the maximum benefit of humankind. The project will focus initially on engaging community support, creating fun educational material, and encouraging play and experimentation directly on Hedera testnet - an environment that Kato believes should be accessible for all to enjoy, not just developers. This activity will be used to extend and shape standards around the Katomic script, so that its use can be expanded to help more teams create and collaborate towards a better web3 experience for everyone.

Tech stack

The Katomic script is implemented in vanilla Javascript, allowing the maximum exposure and accessibility (so anyone can right click and inspect the code directly from a browser). Kato is supported by a team of contract freelancers, and a 24x7 expert with more than half a century of creative and coding experience to draw on, aka the Guru of Profound Thinking.

GitHub link:

Pitch Video link:

Demo link: