torodb / testing-tools

A set of projects that make it easy to execute test, specially with docker. It is heavily used by ToroDB, but can be useful on third party projects.
Apache License 2.0
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ToroDB Testing utilities

License Maven Central

This repository contains several Maven projects used to test ToroDB projects that are general enough to be useful on third party software, so they have been released under Apache 2.0 licese to make it easier to use on any enviroment.

The projects contained on this repository are:

How to use it

This utilities are built with Maven. Released artifacts are hosted on Maven Central and snapshot artifacts on Nexus Repository Management. You may build the source code by running "mvn package" on the root directory.

Currently the project is on beta version, there are no released versions and the code is on the devel branch. Please use consider it the main branch of this repository until the first release is done.

Get Oracle image and driver

Build Oracle image

Clone the official Oracle docker-images repository:

git clone

Download Oracle XE for Linux, copy the zip into docker-images/OracleDatabase/dockerfiles/ and run following commands:

cd docker-images/OracleDatabase/dockerfiles
bash -x -v

To generate the fast startup instance use following commands:

docker run -d --name oracle-database -p \
    --shm-size=1g oracle/database: bash -x /u01/app/oracle/
while ! docker exec oracle-database grep -q "DATABASE IS READY TO USE!"; do sleep 1; done
docker exec oracle-database su -p oracle -c 'echo "SHUTDOWN"|sqlplus / as sysdba'
docker exec oracle-database tar cz -C "$ORACLE_BASE" -f oradata.tar.gz oradata
docker commit oracle-database oracle/database:

Install Oracle JDBC driver

You can get the driver from: And install it in your local repository with maven:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=oracle \
    -DartifactId=oracle-jdbc-driver -Dversion=12c-release2 -Dpackaging=jar

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