toshiakit / MatGPT

MATLAB app to access ChatGPT API from OpenAI
MIT License
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MatGPT - MATLAB® app to access ChatGPT API from OpenAI™

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MatGPT is a MATLAB app that allows you to easily access OpenAI's ChatGPT API. With the app, you can load a list of prompts for specific use cases and engage in conversations with ease. If you're new to ChatGPT and prompt engineering, MatGPT is a great way to learn.

The app simply serves as an interface to the ChatGPT API. You should be familiar with the limitations and risks associated with using this technology as well as with OpenAI terms and policies. You are responsible for any fees OpenAI may charge for the use of their API.

MatGPT was updated to run on the framework from the 'Large Language Models (LLMs) with MATLAB' repo maintained by MathWorks.

MATLAB AI Chat Playground is a great alternative to MatGPT on MATLAB Central.

What's New

Please note that:




To use MatGPT on MATLAB Online, simply click Open in MATLAB Online

MATLAB Desktop

  1. Download the content of this repository into a MATLAB path.
  2. Launch MATLAB
  3. type 'MatGPT' in the command window

How to use: MatGPT app

MatGPT Chat Tab

  1. Click on + New Chat in the left nav to add a new chat. This opens the Settings tab.
  2. In the Settings tab, either choose a preset to populate the settings or customize on your own. Once you have completed the settings, click Start New Chat to initiate a chat. This will take you back to the Main tab.
    • Presets are loaded from Presets.csv - feel free to customize your prompts.
  3. In the Main tab, a sample prompt is already provided based on the preset you selected, but feel free to replace it with your own. When you click Send button, the response will be shown in the 'Chat' tab.
    • The paperclip button lets you include the content of a m-file, live script file or csv file in the chat.
    • If the prompt contains a URL, MatGPT ask you to confirm that you want to open the page.
    • The Send button and Paperclip button are disabled until a chat is configured in the Settings tab.
    • If you want suggestion for follow-up questions in the response, check Suggest follow-up questions checkbox. Suggested questions appear as clickable buttons. You can copy a suggested question to the prompt box by clicking it.
    • If your prompt is intended to generate MATLAB code, check Test Generated MATLAB Code checkbox to test the returned code.
    • The Usage tab shows the number of tokens used in the current chat session.
    • Add stop sequences in Advanced tab to specify the sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
  4. Continue the conversation by keep adding more prompts and clicking Send.
  5. You can right-click or double-click a chat in the left navigation panel to rename, delete, or save the chat to a text file.
  6. When you close the app, the chat will be saved and will be reloaded into the left nav when you relaunch the app.


What happened to chatGPT class?

chatGPT class was replaced by the framework provided via the 'Large Language Models (LLMs) with MATLAB' repo. The new framework supports function calling and other latest features. Please refer to the documentation in the repo to learn how to use it.


This code is adapted from this MATLAB Answers comment by Hans Scharler and uses Brian Buechel's CodeChecker and other great contributions. The video shown above was created by Angel Gonzalez Llacer.


The license for MatGPT is available in the LICENSE.txt file in this GitHub repository.