toshiyan / cmblensplus

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Analysis tools for 2D map to compute some higher-order statistics

This package contains a wrapper for Python, to reconstruct lensing potential, cosmic bi-refrimgence, and patchy reionization from cosmic microwave background anisotropies (CMB) in full and flat sky. This package also includes modules for delensing, some bi-spectrum calculation, and so on. Installing this library at NERSC is straightforward.


The easiest way to install the entire package is to run the shellscript:

 ./ all

You will find modules inside "wrap/".

Note that the file compiles the following files:

[1] Fortran public software (located inside F90/pub/)

FFTW, cfitsio, Healpix, LAPACK95, and Lenspix.

[2] Fortran codes to create a wrapper

Documents and Reference

Please go to the following link for details of how to use each module: The reference paper for each module is as follows:

Curved sky modules:

Flat sky modules:

This Package

This package contains three main python modules based on Fourtran 90 sources:

The additional simple python sctipts are stored inside


You can find example codes inside "example" directory.


The library software uses the following public codes: FFTW, HEALPix, LAPACK, CFITSIO, LensPix.


toshiya.namikawa at