touhidurabir / laravel-stub-generator

A laravel package to generate class files from stub files.
MIT License
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Laravel Stub Generator

A php laravel package to generate useable php files from given stub files .


Require the package using composer:

composer require touhidurabir/laravel-stub-generator


The best approach to use this via the facade as

use Touhidurabir\StubGenerator\Facades\StubGenerator

and then implement as follow

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub') // the stub file path
    ->to('some/path/to/store/generated/file') // the store directory path
    ->as('TheGeneratingFileNameItself') // the generatable file name without extension 
    ->ext('php') // the file extension(optional, by default to php)
    // ->noExt() // to remove the extension from the file name for the generated file like .env
    ->withReplacers([]) // the stub replacing params
    ->save(); // save the file

By default it generate file with php extension but possible to override it as

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub') // the stub file path
    ->save(); // save the file

Or set to no extension to generate .env like files as

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub') // the stub file path
    ->noExt() // to remove the extension from the file name for the generated file like .env
    ->save(); // save the file

Also possible to get the generated content as string or download the generated file

StubGenerator::from('path')->to('path')->as('name')->withReplacers([])->toString(); // get generated content
StubGenerator::from('path')->as('name')->withReplacers([])->download(); // download the file

By default it assume all the given path for from and to methods are relative path, but it can also work with absolute path by specifying that.

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub', true) // the second argument **true** specify absolute path
    ->to('some/path/to/store/generated/file', false, true) // the third argument **true** specify absolute path

Also if the store directory path does not exists, it can create that target store path if that is specified in the method call.

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub', true)
    ->to('some/path/to/store/generated/file', true, true) // the second argument **true** specify to generated path if not exists

If the saved generated file aleady exists, it is also possible to replace that with the newly generated one if that is specified via the replace method.

StubGenerator::from('some/path/to/stub/file.stub') // the stub file path
    ->to('some/path/to/store/generated/file') // the store directory path
    ->as('TheGeneratingFileNameItself') // the generatable file name without extension 
    ->withReplacers([]) // the stub replacing params
    ->replace(true) // instruct to replace if already exists at the give path
    ->save(); // save the file

One important thing to note that this package can handle not just string type values to but also hanlde array and boolean type also. So basically it can do as :

    'replacer_1' = 'some value',
    'replacer_2' = ['some', 'more', 'values'],
    'replacer_3' = true,


Considering the following stub file


namespace {{classNamespace}};

use {{baseClass}};
use {{modelNamespace}}\{{model}};

class {{class}} extends {{baseClassName}} {

     * Constructor to bind model to repo
     * @param  object<{{modelNamespace}}\{{model}}> ${{modelInstance}}
     * @return void
    public function __construct({{model}} ${{modelInstance}}) {

        $this->model = ${{modelInstance}};

        $this->modelClass = get_class(${{modelInstance}});


If the stub file stored at the location of app/stubs/repository.stub and we want to create a new repository file named UserRepository.php at the path app/Repositories/, then

    ->to('/app/Repositories', true)
        'class'             => 'UserRepository',
        'model'             => 'User',
        'modelInstance'     => 'user',
        'modelNamespace'    => 'App\\Models',
        'baseClass'         => 'Touhidurabir\\ModelRepository\\BaseRepository',
        'baseClassName'     => 'BaseRepository',
        'classNamespace'    => 'App\\Repositories',

will generate such file content of UserRepository.php


namespace App\Repositories;

use Touhidurabir\ModelRepository\BaseRepository;
use App\Models\User;

class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * Constructor to bind model to repo
     * @param  object<App\Models\User> $user
     * @return void
    public function __construct(User $user) {

        $this->model = $user;

        $this->modelClass = get_class($user);



Sometimes what we have is the namespace that follows the psr-4 standeard and that namespace path is what we intend to use for path. This package can direcly work with the namespace path and it includes a handy trait that can help up to some extent.

To use the trait

use Touhidurabir\StubGenerator\Concerns\NamespaceResolver;

class Someclass {

    use NamespaceResolver;

Available Methods of NamespaceResolver

resolveClassName(string $name)

As per defination

 * Resolve the class name and class store path from give class namespace
 * In case a full class namespace provides, need to extract class name
 * @param  string $name
 * @return string
public function resolveClassName(string $name)

It extract the class name from given full class namespace.

resolveClassNamespace(string $name)

As per defination

 * Resolve the class namespace from given class name
 * @param  string $name
 * @return mixed<string|null>
public function resolveClassNamespace(string $name)

It extract the class namespace only from given full class namespace.

generateFilePathFromNamespace(string $namespace = null)

As per defination

 * Generate class store path from give namespace
 * @param  mixed<string|null> $namespace
 * @return mixed<string|null>
public function generateFilePathFromNamespace(string $namespace = null)

It generate the class relative path from given class full namespace.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
