touristaki / touristaki-web

Plataforma de Viagem em forma de live
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A new way to explore, tourisaki is platform project that aims to connect customers and partners through scheduled lives of the most diverse categories.

Main technologies / Gems

In this project you can use the docker to upload a postgresql database!

Clonando o projeto

The first step is to clone the project and go to the project folder:

git clone
cd touristaki-web


🐳 Development Mode with Docker ( only Postgresql )

After installing the docker and docker-compose, being in the project's root folder, execute this commands and magically the project will run:

docker-compose up -d

To make sure that your containers have gone up correctly, all containers must be in the UP status, execute:

docker-compose ps -a

Execute project

Once you have your bank set up we can start the project:

rails db:create db:migrate
rails s

🚀 To view the system, just access the browser at the address: localhost:3000