toviszsolt / react-scrollspy

ScrollSpy React Component - Automatically update navigation components based on scroll position to indicate which link is currently active in the viewport.
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es6 es6-javascript javascript npm npm-package onscroll react react-animate-on-scroll react-component react-components react-navigation react-scroll react-scroll-to-component react-scrollspy react-scrollspy-nav reactjs reactjs-components reactjs-es6 reactjs-with-es6 scrollspy-nav


ScrollSpy React Component

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React Component, that automatically update navigation components based on scroll position to indicate which link is currently active in the viewport. It also scrolls (navigation) to viewport when click on a navigation component.

Demo with example code

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Table of Contents

How to install

Install via NPM or Yarn package manager

npm i react-scrollspy-navigation
yarn add react-scrollspy-navigation

How to use it

Step 1: Content

Add a unique id to content blocks or heading tags for the elements you want to spy on. There is nothing more to do with the content elements. It's awfully simple so far, right?

// Content blocks
conat ContentWithBoxes = () => {
  return (
      <section id="target-1">Content here</section>
      <section id="target-2">Content here</section>
      <section id="target-3">Content here</section>

// Heading tags
conat ContentWithHeaders = () => {
  return (
        <h2 id="target-1">Target 1</h2>
        <h2 id="target-2">Target 2</h2>
        <h2 id="target-3">Target 3</h2>

Step 2: Navigation

Wrap your navigation structure with ScrollSpy component. Use only a tags whose href attribute is the hash link of the id of an existing content element. You can use structures of any complexity or depth in the ScrollSpy component, and you can nest multiple ScrollSpy components (although this works, it is not recommended). Don't worry, ScrollSpy won't add any additional structures to the child component.

_Note: If you are new to URL hashes, here is some information:

import ScrollSpy from 'react-scrollspy-navigation';
const Navigation = () => {
  return (
    <ScrollSpy activeClass="nav-active">
            <a href="#target-1">...</a>
            <a href="#target-2">...</a>
            <a href="#target-3">...</a>

Don't forget to specify in the activeClass prop what className to add to the currently active link. Congratulations, we are done, it was that simple. Continue reading the documentation to find out what options are available to configure how ScrollSpy works.

Note: The much loved Refs used in the previous version and React were thrown away.


Optional ScrollSpy props

Prop Type Default Description
activeClass string '' Class name(s) to be applied to the active link
activeAttr boolean false If true, the active link will have an attribute data-active attached to it.
offsetTop number 0 Offset the final scroll position from top in pixels.
offsetLeft number 0 Offset the final scroll position from left in pixels.
behavior 'smooth' | 'instant' | 'auto' 'smooth' Behavior of the scroll animation. See: Element: scrollTo()
root HTMLElement | null null Root element for the intersection observer. See: IntersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver()
rootMargin string '0px' Root margin for the intersection observer. See: IntersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver()
threshold number | number[] [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] Thresholds for the intersection observer. See: IntersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver()
onClickEach function undefined Callback function for handle the click event
onChangeActiveId function undefined Callback function for handle the active element change event

onClickEach(event, internalClickHandler, container)


const Comp = () => {
  const onClickEach = (e, next, container) => {
    console.log('The clicked element:',;
    console.log('The target container element:', container);

  return <ScrollSpy onClickEach={onClickEach}>...</ScrollSpy>;

onChangeActiveId(currentId, prevId)


const Comp = () => {
  const onChangeActiveId = (current, prev) => {
    console.log('Active element changed');
    console.log({ current, prev });

  return <ScrollSpy onChangeActiveId={onChangeActiveId}>...</ScrollSpy>;


The component depends on the following functions or classes, which define its compatibility.

Example code

Check out the interactive demo and example codes.

Demo with example code

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MIT License @ 2021 Zsolt Tövis

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