tp86 / legimi

Unofficial Legimi ebook downloader for Kindle and Linux
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[!WARNING] This project is no longer active, use new version written in Go.

Unofficial Legimi ebook downloader for Kindle

This is Legimi ebook downloader made for downloading ebooks for Kindle from Legimi.

It is completely unofficial. I created it to be able to download ebooks from my shelf on operating systems not supported by official app (Linux, mostly). I created it based on the traffic exchanged between official Legimi application and server. As such, it does not support many message types, errors and features and probably doesn't handle them well - use at your own risk. It only allows to download a book that is on the user's shelf.



luarocks --lua-version <your_lua_version, e.g. 5.4> --tree .luarocks install http
luarocks --lua-version <your_lua_version, e.g. 5.4> --tree .luarocks install argparse


First you need to install dependencies as described above. Then you need to obtain Device ID associated with your Kindle and save it to deviceid file. Your Kindle should probably be activated first using official Legimi application. Easiest way to get Device ID is to use script's deviceid command and pass your Kindle's serial no. (on your Kindle, go to Settings -> Device Options -> Device Info). First set environment variables LEGIMI_LOGIN and LEGIMI_PASS with your credentials, then invoke:

lua legimi deviceid G000PP12345678XX

Device ID will be stored automatically to deviceid file. Obtaining Device ID should be one-time action.

Once you have your Device ID, you may start downloading books that are on your shelf. To download a book, you have to pass it's id number. Book's id number can be copied from book's page url or you can print a list books that are on your shelf using list command (remember to set login and password variables):

lua legimi list

Once you have book id, you can use it to download an ebook file:

lua download <id>

You can pass multiple book ids to download.

Downloaded book files are saved within script's directory using following format: <bookid>.mobi. You can copy them directly to your Kindle via USB.


Written with TDD (serialization part, at least) using LuaUnit



luarocks --lua-version 5.4 --tree .luarocks install luaunit
luarocks --lua-version 5.4 --tree .luarocks install luacov

Running tests

lua -e 'require"setup"' {-lluacov} test/suite/all.lua

-lluacov is optional for gathering coverage stats

Live tests

Tests in test/suite/live.lua are actually connecting to Legimi service. You need to set real data in test/data/init.lua before running this suite.