tpartner / LimeSurvey-Multiple-Choice-Dropdown-3x

A custom question theme that uses the Select2 component ( to insert a searchable select element to select options of a LimeSurvey multiple-choice type question.
MIT License
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Multiple Choice With Searchable Select for LimeSurvey

A custom question theme that uses the Select2 component to insert a searchable select element to choose options of a LimeSurvey multiple-choice type question.

Compatible with LimeSurvey versions 3.x and 4.x.

Image Multiple-Choice-Dropdown


1) - Manual installation (3.x and 4.x) - Extract the download and upload the Multiple-Choice-Dropdown folder to /pathToLimeSurvey/upload/themes/question/.

2) Create a multiple-choice question, click Save.

3) Set the question setting "Question theme" to "Multiple-Choice-Dropdown", click Save.
Image Select Multiple-Choice-Dropdown

4) Create subquestions as required.


1) The LimeSurvey multiple-choice type question creates a database column for every sub-question so care should be taken with the number of choice options.

2) Array filtering and sub-question relevance will only work if the filter question(s) are in preceding groups. There is no dynamic array filtering or sub-question relevance within a single group.

3) The core "Exclusive option" setting does not work with this question theme.

4) A huge thanks to the folks at Select2 ( for their great component.

5) The styles for the theme can be modified in /pathToLimeSurvey/upload/themes/question/Multiple-Choice-Dropdown/survey/questions/answer/multiplechoice/assets/css/mcd.css.

6) Demo survey in /Multiple-Choice-Dropdown/survey/questions/answer/multiplechoice/assets/demo/.

Custom themes are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.