tpham16 / TKH-Social-Media-Engagement-Analytics

A capstone project that analyzes The Knowledge House's Social Media Engagement
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CDA Twitter (Sprint 8) #24

Closed tpham16 closed 1 year ago

tpham16 commented 1 year ago

Once completing EDA, you should utilize the insights gleaned from this exploration to further transform your data and confirm your findings by utilizing statistical learning models and hypothesis tests.

For example, did your data display non-normality? This could indicate that you should normalize your dataset through the removal of outliers or log-normalization. Perhaps you can also utilize a non-parametric regressor to discover patterns & insights.

You should plan to generate at least 4 prediction-tasks for your data. Depending on your prediction-task, you should either plan to utilize regressors or classifiers.

For regressors you could use:

Linear Regression LASSO Ridge Elastic-net (a combination of LASSO & Ridge) Random Forest Regressors Whereas for classifiers you could use:

Logistic Regression Decision Trees Random Forest Classifiers Feel free to research more powerful statistical learning methods that we have not yet learned about! However, be cautious when utilizing complex non-parametric models, as these could lead to over-fit predictions that do not generalize will to the real world.

These 4 models should be planned in 4 seperate scripts via pseudocode:

model1.ipynb model2.ipynb model3.ipynb * model4.ipynb Feel free to name these jupyter notebooks appropriately (e.g. linear regression could be called linreg.ipynb). Discuss the motivations for these models with your team.

CDA Plan Example The following describes an example CDA workflow for 4 methods of predicting salaries based on job-training requirements.

Remove outliers for salaries, log-normalize bootcamp duration, and utilize a linear regressor with backward selection Remove outliers for salaries, log-normalize bootcamp duration, and utilize the LASSO for automatic selection Remove outliers for salaries, keep bootcamp duration, and utilize the LASSO for automatic selection Remove outliers for salaries, keep bootcamp duration, and utilize a RandomForestRegressor with optimal max-depth By observing all selected features for these 4 models, we could potentially observe that bootcamp features predict for higher bootcamp salaries.