tpham16 / TKH-Social-Media-Engagement-Analytics

A capstone project that analyzes The Knowledge House's Social Media Engagement
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About The Project

Fellows of the Data Science track of The Knowledge House, a non-profit organization that serves low-income communities in major cities with the technology and workplace skills for tech careers, were tasked with analyzing the social media engagement of the Knowledge House.

The objective of this capstone project is to provide insights and data-driven recommendations to improve social media engagement on the following platforms:

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This project involved the following methodology:

  1. Data Collection: collecting social media engagement data using web scraping techniques

  2. Data Cleaning: cleaning and preparing collected data for analysis

  3. Data Analysis: analyzing the data to identify patterns

  4. Data Visualization: creating visualizations to reveal insights from the data

  5. Next Actions: providing data-driven recommendations to improve social media engagement based on the insights and patterns identified


This project includes several visualizations to help understand TKH's social media engagement data. For your viewing experience, the dashboard can be viewed at the following link:


This project web-scraped Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube data from The Knowledge House using Snscrape and Apify. The collected data offers valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing social media engagement.

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