tpill90 / steam-lancache-prefill

CLI tool to automatically prime a Lancache with Steam games
MIT License
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Container Freezing #375

Closed stocky789 closed 3 weeks ago

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

I have installed the steam-lancache-prefill docker container on unraid, everything seems to be operate fine but once you start trying to download things and it will freeze for like 30-60 seconds before continueing for a few moments then freezing again.

No other docker container has this behaviour so I'm thinking this is bugged somewhere

tpill90 commented 3 weeks ago

How fast is your internet connection?

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

How fast is your internet connection?

100mbps down 40mbps up

I have confirmed lancache is working as expected to Not sure if that's relevant to this problem but

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

I think its resolved now. For some reason I had to run all the containers in privilleged mode - this could be due to how unraid handles its storage with SMB I am assuming

tpill90 commented 3 weeks ago

Do you have your cache dir mounted on an smb share?

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

Do you have your cache dir mounted on an smb share?

Its on UNRAID but im not sharing that particular folder - the app runs off that folder directly inside of UNRAID but I wasn't sure if there were further file permissions going on with it

It seems to be working fine now though.

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

Actually I am getting this error now when trying to download from steam. Battlenet and Epic work though

[8:27:23 PM] Already disconnected from Steam SteamPrefill.Models.Exceptions.SteamConnectionException: Timeout connecting to Steam... Try again in a few moments at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.ConnectToSteam()
at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.<>cDisplayClass16_0.<b0>d.MoveNext()
at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>c
0>d.MoveNext() in Status.cs:79
at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>cDisplayClass17_01.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() in Status.cs:120 at void Spectre.Console.Progress.<>c__DisplayClass28_01.<b0>d.MoveNext() in Progress.cs:133
at async Task Spectre.Console.Internal.DefaultExclusivityMode.RunAsync(Func<Task> func) in DefaultExclusivityMode.cs:40
at async Task Spectre.Console.Progress.StartAsync(Func<ProgressContext, Task> action) in Progress.cs:116
at async Task Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync(string status, Func<StatusContext, Task> func) in Status.cs:117
at async Task Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync(string status, Func<StatusContext, Task> action) in Status.cs:77
at async Task SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.LoginToSteamAsync()
at async Task SteamPrefill.SteamManager.InitializeAsync()
at async ValueTask SteamPrefill.CliCommands.SelectAppsCommand.ExecuteAsync(IConsole console)
at async ValueTask CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(ApplicationSchema applicationSchema, CommandInput commandInput) in CliApplication.cs:148
at async ValueTask CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(IReadOnlyList commandLineArguments, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>
environmentVariables) in CliApplication.cs:190
at async ValueTask CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(IReadOnlyList commandLineArguments) in CliApplication.cs:202
at async Task SteamPrefill.Program.Main()

stocky789 commented 3 weeks ago

Nevermind I had to clear the cache in order for it to start working again. sorry about that