tpill90 / steam-lancache-prefill

CLI tool to automatically prime a Lancache with Steam games
MIT License
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Timeout connecting to Steam #376

Closed Minc3 closed 1 week ago

Minc3 commented 2 weeks ago

It's been working fine for months but all of a sudden it stop being able to connect to steam. Every 4 hours I had a script run ./SteamPrefill prefill just to keep everything up to date.

I'm not sure if I'm updating to frequently and steam has limited me or if something else it going on here.

[10:28:04 AM] Already disconnected from Steam SteamPrefill.Models.Exceptions.SteamConnectionException: Timeout connecting to Steam... Try again in a few moments at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.ConnectToSteam() at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<<LoginToSteamAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() in Status.cs:79 at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>c__DisplayClass17_01.<b0>d.MoveNext() in Status.cs:120 at void Spectre.Console.Progress.<>cDisplayClass28_01.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() in Progress.cs:133 at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Internal.DefaultExclusivityMode.RunAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> func) in DefaultExclusivityMode.cs:40 at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Progress.StartAsync<T>(Func<ProgressContext, Task<T>> action) in Progress.cs:116 at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync<T>(string status, Func<StatusContext, Task<T>> func) in Status.cs: 117 at async Task Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync(string status, Func<StatusContext, Task> action) in Status.cs:77 at async Task SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.LoginToSteamAsync() at async Task SteamPrefill.SteamManager.InitializeAsync() at async ValueTask SteamPrefill.CliCommands.SelectAppsCommand.ExecuteAsync(IConsole console) at async ValueTask<int> CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(ApplicationSchema applicationSchema, CommandInput commandInput) in CliApplication.cs:148 at async ValueTask<int> CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(IReadOnlyList<string> commandLineArguments, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> environmentVariables) in CliApplication.cs:190 at async ValueTask<int> CliFx.CliApplication.RunAsync(IReadOnlyList<string> commandLineArguments) in CliApplication.cs :202 at async Task<int> SteamPrefill.Program.Main()


Morpheus84h commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same Error with all Prefill-Profiles, but Steam working very great, (also downloads from lancache)

Edit @ 16:45 (EU/BERLIN) : All Steamservices running well and i get connected to them, but not the prefiller

Hamsterman commented 2 weeks ago

Getting timeouts on Steam as well

Hamsterman commented 2 weeks ago

And now it works again for me.

TheRedHerring95 commented 2 weeks ago

Also getting the same issue, only on the Prefill tool; not sure if they changed something yesterday while they were down, though if it's working for @Hamsterman that wouldn't necessarily make sense. Was originally running on 2.5.0 but updated to 2.6.1 and got the same issue, then cleared the account config in case that had gotten messed up along the line, but the issue is persisting

tpill90 commented 2 weeks ago

I believe that there is something going on with Steam's servers at the moment, or they changed something like you mentioned @TheRedHerring95 with yesterday's update. I'm currently seeing the issue myself, and it appears to be regionally affected with not all regions having this issue. I'm on the East Coast US and I'm having difficulty when attempting to login to Steam's Virginia servers. I've had luck with being able to login through Austria or Japan.

As a workaround for this try running SteamPrefill's clear-cache command and then trying to run the prefill again. You might have to do this a few times to get it to cycle over to an appropriate server, which could be made a bit easier by adding the -y flag to clear-cache.

Minc3 commented 2 weeks ago

Can confirm running ./SteamPrefill clear-cache -y then doing a prefill allows it to work 50% of the time. The only problem is you need to keep clearing cache or it will just keep failing to connect.

/bin/docker exec lancache-monolithic bash -c "/scripts/prefill/./SteamPrefill clear-cache -y && /scripts/prefill/./SteamPrefill prefill"

Morpheus84h commented 2 weeks ago

I don't have the prefiller in a docker and i tried that clear cache but it doesn't work on any way

PastedBoi commented 2 weeks ago

I believe that there is something going on with Steam's servers at the moment, or they changed something like you mentioned @TheRedHerring95 with yesterday's update. I'm currently seeing the issue myself, and it appears to be regionally affected with not all regions having this issue. I'm on the East Coast US and I'm having difficulty when attempting to login to Steam's Virginia servers. I've had luck with being able to login through Austria or Japan.

As a workaround for this try running SteamPrefill's clear-cache command and then trying to run the prefill again. You might have to do this a few times to get it to cycle over to an appropriate server, which could be made a bit easier by adding the -y flag to clear-cache.

Having the probably same issue (in Germany), but its very consistent for me that a seperate clear-cache allows for one single prefill after which i have to clear-cache again. Have not yet tried combining the commands yet.

reg98643t commented 2 weeks ago

Glad I'm not the only one getting the issue, I'm using dockerised prefill and clear-cache seems to do nothing for me.

tpill90 commented 2 weeks ago

I've pushed up a build hardcoded to use the Vienna region which seems to work reliably for me. Performance will likely be degraded depending on where you're located, but it should work as a holdover until I can get the time to diagnose this issue properly.

Build can be downloaded here :

reg98643t commented 2 weeks ago

That build seems to work for me, speed seems alright. Thanks!

megaeverything commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue connecting to east coast steam servers

andrepue commented 1 week ago

Hi. I also have the problems ere. out of 10 connection trials only one succeds... sometimes. I found soemthing interesting in the Docke Log Files. The Time is off by 4 hours. Could this be related to the connection issues? How can I setup the correct Timezone? I am using a Docker Container on Unraid.

Regards, André

PastedBoi commented 1 week ago

Hi. I also have the problems ere. out of 10 connection trials only one succeds... sometimes. I found soemthing interesting in the Docke Log Files. The Time is off by 4 hours. Could this be related to the connection issues? How can I setup the correct Timezone? I am using a Docker Container on Unraid.

Regards, André

This happens regardless of timezone/time difference. This is offtopic but make sure you have set the timezone in unraid correctly, docker normally uses the timezone of the host system. If that doesnt work change the timezone of the container via the extra parameters of the container.

tpill90 commented 1 week ago

I've pushed up a test build which seems to fix this issue here :

Could I get a few people to test this out, preferably in a few different regions. I'm on the East Coast US and I've tested it as working here. If you do test it I am interested in the following info, you should add the option --debug to your prefill run in order to get some of this information to print out :


PastedBoi commented 1 week ago

With the test build im getting: Region Germany: ext4-fra1 sometimes fra2 Successful Connections: With the test build i havent had a failed connection yet in the ~15 or so tries i did steam-lancache-console

Morpheus84h commented 1 week ago

With the testbuild im getting

Region Germany ( NRW, 65km north from Oberhausen) the Unspecified/ -Server every time

and it works :-) after a restart the lancache-server i get Unspecified/ as Server screens

tpill90 commented 1 week ago

This is testing is enough for me. I'll push up an update tonight

tpill90 commented 1 week ago

I've pushed this up in v2.7.0. If anyone still has issues please let me know on this ticket.