tplive / comicbot

Scheduled job that will fetch comics from the Teknisk Ukeblad ( website and XKCD and post links to Slack.
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link
bot dilbert-comics lunch-comics slack xkcd-comics


Go program that goes out to the Teknisk Ukeblad web and downloads todays Lunch and Dunce cartoons, and Dilbert - while supplies last[1] - then sends the URL to your Slack channel. The cartoons are in Norwegian.

New! Also supports downloading XKCD - will use a key/value pair at to track the last comic that was downloaded, and only download newer ones.

The original idea is mine, but I have used various resources in implementing the solution. Learning Go along the way.

You should probably avoid spamming the website, as they might react with breaking changes.

[1] Dilbert was cancelled following the Scott Adams controversy.


  1. Get your Slack Incoming Webhook URL set up.
  2. Set up your bucket, ie like this curl -d ''
  3. Install Golang. Or just run the bot in a Github workflow. See .github/workflows for examples.
  4. Set environment variable as below, or in a .env file for automatic inclusion:
  1. Set a key in your KVDB bucket to the comic id of the XKCD comic you want to start tracking from. As of this writing the current comic is 2752.
    curl -d '2752'
  2. Run the bot with go run .

This should download the images of the current comics to pwd, and post their URLs to Slack.

Building and running with Docker

  1. Build the image docker build --tag comicbot .
  2. Run the container docker run --env WEBHOOK_URL="<your-slack-webhook-url>" comicbot

Building and publishing to Dockerhub

First login to Dockerhub with docker login

  1. Build the image and tag appropriately docker build --tag <repository>/comicbot:latest .
  2. Push the image to the repository docker push <repository>/comicbot:latest