tpluscode / restalk-editor

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This repository will hopefully evolve to become a tool for creating RESTalk Conversation diagrams.


RESTalk is a (currently) visual language for designing HTTP API interaction, which span over multiple requests to the server. It defines multiple building blocks, which you can see in the image below.


To learn more, follow the links below:

The problem

RESTalk was designed as a teaching tool - the main purpose is to document the repeating patterns, commonly seen in Client-Server interaction. There is, however, great potential for it to become a API design tool.

To become a design tools it would be necessary to create

  1. a human-readable, preferably textual, format (JSON? YAML? Markdown?) for authoring the conversations
  2. simple tooling for generating RESTalk diagrams
  3. (optional) more sophisticated tooling for creating conversations visually

The solution

  1. Design the language
  2. Implement diagram generation
  3. Implement visual editor