trackit / trackit2-home

TrackIt helps you to optimize your AWS cloud
Apache License 2.0
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aws aws-s3 cost cost-control cost-estimation cost-optimization docker-engine trackit

[#trackit-logo] image::[]

TrackIt helps you to optimize your AWS cloud

= Trackit

This is a tool written in go to optimize your AWS usage and spending.

This repository contains the deployment tools to run TrackIt easily on your own infrastructure.


== Don't want to self-host trackit?

We run our own version, check it out at[TrackIt]

== Repository structure

You can still find our legacy version at

= Installation

=== #0 Be sure all requirements below are met

Here is the access your AWS IAM credentials will need to run correctly TrackIt [source,json]

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Resource": "*" } ] }

=== #1 Clone this repository


$> git clone && cd trackit

=== #2 Configure the API_URL If you are not running TrackIt on your local machine, you need to configure the URL of the API: [source,sh]

$> vi docker-compose.yml line 8: - API_URL=http://localhost:8080 # replace localhost by the public API of the host

=== #3 Start TrackIt [source,sh]

$> ./

== Configuring

More information about configuring TrackIt? Check our step-by-step guide[here]