traclabs / cfe_cfdp

MIT License
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This repository defines a ROS2 application implementing the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP), as implemented by the open-source Python3 CFDP library. This dependency can be installed with pip install cfdp

This application receives local commands through ROS2 service calls as described below.

It communicates to remote entities by exchanging PDUs (of the ROS CfdpPdu type) on topics of the form /cfdp/pdu/entity#, where # is the target entity number. For example, if this instance is instantiated with a local entity ID of 1, and a second instance exists with an entity ID of 2, then it will listen for messages at /cfdp/pdu/entity1 and send to /cfdp/pdu/entity2.

It is left for other ROS entities to bridge the PDU content to interface with external entities. For example, by appending a CCSDS Command (including primary and secondary header) and sending over a UDP socket to a cFE instance running ci_lab, while receiving PDUs from to_lab in an equivalent pattern. The translation bridge should map entity IDs to distinct CCSDS MIDs and/or other appropriate routing details.

participant RGSW_CFDP
participant RGSW_BRIDGE

participant ci_lab
participant to_lab
participant sbn
participant cfdp

participant RFSW_SBN
participant RFSW_CFDP

rect rgb(200, 250, 255)
note right of RGSW_CFDP: Upload file from ROS GSW to ROS FSW via bridges
RGSW_BRIDGE->>ci_lab: Forward PDU (/w CCSDS header prepended)
ci_lab->>sbn: Forward packet over SBN
sbn->>RFSW_SBN: SBN to SBN transfer
RFSW_SBN->>RFSW_CFDP: Receive PDU, SBN will strip SBN + CCSDS headers leaving original PDU to parse

Note right of RGSW_CFDP: Reverse message flow for ACKs if using Acknowledged (Class2) Mode

end %% Region Rect

rect rgb(255, 250, 200)
note right of RGSW_CFDP: Request file from cFE

RGSW_CFDP->>RGSW_BRIDGE: Put request for file
RGSW_BRIDGE->>ci_lab: Receive PDU cmd and publish on SB
ci_lab->>cfdp: Process PDU and begin requested tranfer
cfdp->>to_lab: Send PDU ACKs and data packets
to_lab->>RGSW_BRIDGE: Forward PDUs to ground
RGSW_BRIDGE->>RGSW_CFDP: Receive PDUs and assemble file

end %% End cfe file request

Local Commands

Local commands can be issued from the local ROS instance, for example:

ros2 service call /cfdp/cmd/put cfdp_msgs/srv/CfdpXfrCmd "{src: '/test.txt', dst: '/test.txt.dst', dstid: 1}"

All commands are named with the topic format /cfdp/cmd/$CMD. All paths are as defined by the entity. For instances of this application, they are relative to the directory the service was started from.


Generate a directory listing and transfer it to the local instance as a file with the specified name.

WARNING: This command may not be supported by all CFDP clients (does not appear to work with the open-source cFE CF application).

This command uses the CfdpXfrCmd message type where:


Transfer a file from the remote entity to the local entity. This is implemented as a Proxy request for the remote entity to PUT a file to this instance.

This command uses the CfdpXfrCmd message type where:


Transfer a file from the local entity to the remote entity.

This command uses the CfdpXfrCmd message type where:

File operations

The following commands operate on a single (remote) file or directory and support the following parameters:


Create a directory on the remote insteance identified by dstid.


Delete a directory on the remote instance.

Note: Remote instance may not permit deletion of non-empty directories.


Create a blank file on the remote instance.


Delete a single file on the remote instance.


A configuration file (specified as the ROS parameter 'config') points to a YAML file defining a listing of all known CFDP Entities and relevant configuration details. This definition should match that available to all other entities (including cFE's CFDP app via it's table services). A default configuration can be found in cfdp_wrapper/config.

Protocol Data Units (PDUs) are transmitted on a ROS topic of /cfdp/pdu/entity$entityID.

entityID is a required parameter to this application, currently defaulitng to a value of 2. This field defines the entityID of this application instance. This value is automatically populated in outgoing PDUs, and is used to construct the topic (/cfdp/pdu/entity$entityID) we listen on for incoming PDUs.

altServices is a boolean parameter that causes this instance to append /entity$entityId to all command services it is listening on. This allows multiple CFDP application instances to operate on a single ROS instance for test purposes (be sure to also specify an alternate ROS Node name for each).

Usage & Configuration Examples

CFDP Entities

This table shows CFDP Entity IDs, the corresponding container name (when using brash_docker demo), and the corresponding ROS Topic prefixes. PDUs are sent by default on topics of the form /$prefix/cfdp/pdu

EntityID Container Name ROS Prefix
1 rosgsw groundsystem
2 rosfsw flightsystem
25 fsw cfe


This is a listing of all identifiers (topics, ids, etc.) involved when using the example brash_docker (or multihost) configuration

Src Dst Cfe Ch MID gsw-topic-cmd gsw-topic-tlm sbn-topic-tlm sbn-topic-cmd Note rosgsw cmd rosfsw cmd cfe cmd via rosgsw
rosgsw rosfsw 2 18ca flightsystem flightsystem put get
rosgsw fsw 0 18c8 cfe put
fsw rosfsw 1 8c3 flightsystem TX
fsw rosgsw 0 8c2 groundsystem TX
rosfsw rosgsw 2 8c4 groundsystem groundsystem get put
rosfsw fsw 1 18c9 cfe UNACK Only (Known Issue) put


The following series of example commands starts 2 instances of the service under a single ROS machine and executes a series of commands.

Start CFDP ROS Fsw and Gsw instances using explicit parameters. Default values are suitable for RosFsw instance when RosGsw is on a discrete Ros machine.

Directory listing

Transfer a file from RosGsw to RosFsw

Transfer a file from RosFsw to RosGsw

Transfer a file to FSW (from either rosfsw or rosgsw)

CFDP Fsw to RosFsw (put)
